How to write for Christian Pollution

Want to write for us?

How to write for Christian Pollution

What We Publish

Christian Pollution publishes philosophical arguments, current events or news, personal experiences, polemics, humor, and articles reflecting humanist values. For articles to be accepted, they must be revealing of Christianity’s negative impacts and/or political agendas. Though Christian Pollution is not opposed to the personal freedom to believe in Christianity, the publication aims to reveal this faith’s social mandates, principles, and values causal to many issues. All articles must reflect this goal.

Topics of Interest

Personal narratives reflecting Christian issues such as being raised in a cult, interference in life, sexual oppression, gender oppression, exposing religiously driven groups or businesses, etc. There is wide birth in personal narratives but some key points to keep in mind would be your experience, how Christianity caused harm, and how you survived or overcame this experience.

Philosophical arguments are a key component of understanding Christianity’s issues such as ontological arguments. While you are welcome to submit discussions of this nature, it is best to remember our audience comprises of lay persons who may not understand philosophical jargon, making necessary the writing to be understandable and clear. More than clarity, stories that are most desired are those that relate to people on a practical level such as explaining how a Christian philosopher uses philosophy to confuse individuals or how Creationism promotes racism. While you may submit a discussion concerning the cosmological argument, it should relate to a Christian problem and not simply rehash philosophy.

Current events or news are welcome but please do not simply repeat a story posted on CNN or the New York Times. All current events should be detailed discussions of the happening and should produce a unique viewpoint. For example, a new law in Texas banning abortion might want to discuss the connection between this law and Christianity, showing underlying motives or outcomes unexpected.

Social commentary or mixing article themes are welcome but please do not rehash topics and make personal rants unless they are done in a unique way. For instance, if you want to write about what bothers you most about Christianity, you should do this in a creative way that captures the reader's attention. (See example.)

Poetry is a great way to share emotion and any poem you have that is related to Christian Pollution is acceptable.

Submission Requirements

How to write for Christian Pollution

All writers must have a Medium account (free is fine) as your work must first be entered into Christian Pollution Exclusive. Send us a message in the form below containing your name, your Medium profile link, and a draft link to your story in Medium. Tag your story with four tags and one of them should be your name. We use your name tag to build you a profile on Christian Pollution Exclusive (See the front page and scroll down to see the authors listed.) We will use the fifth tag for categorization. Providing you and your story has met our terms for publication and you will be added as a writer.

If you have not been accepted as a writer within 48 hours you have likely violated one of the following conditions:

  1. Your story is poorly written mechanically, contains factual errors, lacks sources where needed, and contains affiliate or too many links.
  2. We do not accept stories from people posing as entities or obvious fake accounts. We are writers and if you are afraid to be yourself you may want to consider another career.
  3. Your photos lack a credit.
  4. You are a Christian trolling for Jesus.

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