Christian Pollution
Christian Pollution
No to Christianity

Rejecting Christianity

No to Christianity

The guiltless threw the first stone, but the guilty shall throw last.

Updated on October 18, 2024
Published: October 18, 2024
Under A Minute Read Time

The damage Christians inflect on people and this country should horrify everyone including them, but instead the Christian population mindlessly goes about life, pointing fingers at evangelicals or fundamentalists. Believing "Christian" is synonymous with “good” keeps most people trapped in the belief until struck with polemics that forces realization. This is good! They need to wake up! While the majority of Americans view themselves as good Christians as they inflict their unconstitutional laws and oppressive hate-filled views, we (the millions inflicted with their hate and oppression) have our view. A view we blare into the oblivious Christian ear and shout far and with all our wind. Enough!


Alcoholics Anonymous

The only thing worse than hearing you are powerless over a disease is hearing god is the only cure. Only Christianity could give birth to a religion masquerading as an alcohol rehabilitation program. AA proves Christianity's lunacy and mindlessness in the malleability to become anything, including a heretical cult.

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Church of The Redeemed Whore

The Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll for the year of our Lord 2022. Bringing You The Truth of Jesus Christ.

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Climate Change

If their irrational, implausible religion did not pollute society and government enough, Christianity promotes the ongoing environmental crisis. Inspiring countless climate change deniers and policies that exacerbate poverty and corporate-first thinking, Christians spiral humanity into an environmental catastrophe. Just as bad as their love of industry at the cost of nature, Christians' relentless use of fossil fuels and vermin-like breeding persists in an unwillingness to see themselves as the problem. Welcome to the Christian Pollution!...

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Christian Fraud

Christianity is the worst and largest fraud ever committed on innocent people. Starting at birth, children are indoctrinated with an absurd belief system that steals from them their ability to think critically and make proper decisions. No one born into Christianity chooses this religion.

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We Get Mail

Our mail is posted on Substack, and it is free to read just click on the links in the archives below and you can read what you desire.

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