Christian Pollution
Christian Pollution
Christian Dominated Media Spins, Virtue Signals, & Fear Mongers

Christian Media

Christian Dominated Media Spins, Virtue Signals, & Fear Mongers

Welcome to Christian News! As if you had a choice.

Updated on October 8, 2024
Published: July 08, 2023
19 Minute Read Time

Media cannot exempt itself from the Christian domination and in many ways fuels Christian control by pandering to the believers. Too easy is the Christian audience primed with irrationality and a willingness to believe anything that coincides with its retarded values. Media companies and reporters are not stupid and purposely censor news to appeal or avoid offending Christians –– not matter the truth.

Houston Hannah ~ White Christian Man, Listen!

White Christian Man, be scared, be brave, vote GOP!

Fox News Reporters

White Christian man, why do you vote Democrat? Why you not love Jesus? Why you hate America? Why you traitor, White Christian man?

Your government has betrayed you. There is nothing noble about your politics. There is no reason why you should resist GOP and God’s love. You will never defeat the forces of Jesus. The Atheist never learn. Will you, White Christian man?

We report to you truth, White Christian man.
We report to you truth, White Christian man. You smart, White Christian man. Why you vote Democrat when truth stare you in face?

Look at what you do. You destroy your family, church, and country and rest of world laugh at you. Why your government help foreigners come to America and to give them money and businesses? Why you give foreign aid when Americans suffer? Why you support lazy people? Why you let atheist run country into ground? Jesus want you to protect USA. White Christian Man, Democrats destroy America unity, bring violence to capital, protest to murder babies. Why you vote Democrat, White Christian man? Why you hurt your family and country?

Join Army of Jesus and save America!
Join Army of Jesus and save America!

You need vote Republican, White Christian man!

Secular government make bad things happen, White Christian man. They let homosex destroy family. They make murder baby okay for women. They cause school shootings by taking bibles out of schools. They take Jesus away and let women be whores. They lie and say America for nonChristians and take all your money and give to people who don’t deserve it.

Why don’t you see problem, White Christian man? People like Spike Lee use Hollywood to lie to you. Blackman steal America. Blackman violent. Blackman murder. Blackman take your white women. Blackman want your tax dollar to not work and live on welfare. Blackman enemy of God’s country. White Christian man, you are Jesus warrior, now join the army and vote GOP.

Look at your watch, White Christian man, America time running out! Rapist Mexican man come to take over country. He bring drugs, crime, and make gangs. Your jobs slip away with each minute. Soon White Christian men will all be gone and your grandsons and granddaughters will speak Spanish.

Death and defeat come with tick of clock!

Look at China, White Christian man. Do you see them taking over world? Communists surround America and bring virus to your family. Do you want your family to die, White Christain man? Do you want to be slave of China and have to learn Chinese? Do you want Chinamen to take your money and redistribute it? Do you want to lose everything you work for? Your wife? Your children? Jesus? Why you listen to your lying government, White Christian man? Do you want to be conquered?

Liberal lie to you, White Christian man. Liberal say you pollute environment, but that lie. There no global warming. There no pollution. Ozone just fine. Arctic no melt. High gas price real problem. They make up climate problem to make you pay more taxes and make going to work more expensive. They want you not making money. They want you to give up God-given right to murder animal. They want you to think Jesus would let man destroy earth.

Liberal lie to you, White Christian man!

Your atheist government lie to you all the time, White Christian man. They say you are wrong and you are devil. You are cause of problems and they no want you here. They are real racists. Why do you vote Democrat, White Christian man? You are hurting yourself by letting government take your right to guns away. White Christian man, you need to fight evil secular government that takes your freedom. Tell them you want Bibles in schools. Tell them you want guns in schools. Tell them you want kids read Word of Jesus, not textbooks. Tell them you want save souls by arresting women to stop them from murdering baby. Tell them you want all women be Christian to manage kids and home, like scripture say. Tell them you want death penalty to save lives. Tell them you want America white again.

Stand with the righteous, White Christian man!
Stand with the righteous, White Christian man!

You tell them, White Christian man, by voting GOP!

The Christian Spin of George Floyd & Gabby Petito

The Christian Propaganda Machine

Jesus Fish Image credit: Obert Madondo, “Forgotten Sisters”

Christianity is an inclusive religion that mandates “spreading the Word” or evangelizing non-Christians, and one of the ways this philosophic disease proliferates is through propaganda. Every Christian is a willing or unwilling propagandist, indoctrinated with this cognitive cancer that tells them they are better than everyone else. In a majority Christian society, their propaganda shapes policy, law, and perceptions ­­– not for the better.

If you grew up in the US, you are polluted with Christianity regardless of believing the religion because Christian ideas and practices infect American society not just in words but in law and institutions. National Holidays, like Christmas, provide a clear example of the law accommodating Christians, which until recent decades, were almost entirely reserved for Christians. Throughout the US, many cities and towns are predominantly Christian, and living in this diseased environment makes one assume everyone is Christian. For this reason, Christians are prone to arrogance and ethnocentrism, offending non-Christians. I witnessed a Christian woman once quit Facebook after her many non-white and non-Christian friends became angry with her “innocent” talk about George Floyd and counter-protestors,

I understand why people get upset, but the counter protestors have their freedom of speech also.

Incidents like these are common on social media because all Christians become propagandists, willing or unwilling. Christianity’s indoctrination makes them believe freedom of speech is the real problem, not the Blackman having his life crushed out of him by the grinning white cop’s knee. No, Christians, in complete lack of critical thought, look to the charlatans and online trolls for the answers they need. From the pulpit or on social media, these Christian “leaders” make bizarre pseudo philosophical arguments to justify things like George Floyd’s death, most notably,

“If people didn’t commit crimes, police wouldn’t hassle them.”

“All lives matter.”

“There’s no systemic racism in the US — just bad personal choices.”

The mindless Christian accepts this information without question because faith dictates the truth. They repeat this nonsense to fellow Christians or anyone listening, thereby spreading the propaganda to form solidarity, not at all unlike the old Soviet Union party members referring to one another as “Comrade” and sloganizing capitalists as pigs. In the same vein Soviet propaganda sought to support party goals, so propaganda unifies Christianity with purpose.

The Goal of Christian Propaganda

Christian propaganda wraps itself in capitalism, patriotism, race, and purity with the only intent to undermine the liberty of all non-Christians and non-whites for economic gain. Why else would Christians take to arms when presented with Black Lives Matters? Why else would they elect a racist, narcissistic President?

Because willing or unwilling, aware or unaware, the Christian supports a system of financial gain and resource control that benefits them alone, primarily those at the top.

Evangelists and other charlatans must argue anything that detracts from this goal of maintaining power, explaining perfectly why Christians raise hell, not over George Floyd’s death, but the rioters breaking the law. Not Kyle Rittenhouse traveling across the country to become a vigilante, but because he was prosecuted for his actions. Anything that negates Christianity’s core ideology of capitalism, patriotism, race, and purity, the Christian must fight.

BLM is the enemy, not the police killing black Americans. Personal freedom and second amendment right are on the line, not Rittenhouse’s vigilantism.

Perhaps the most compelling view of Christian Propaganda comes from emotionally jarring stories like Gabby Petito’s murder. Clearly seen is the rally of the majority white Christian society to save the white woman or bring to justice her killer.

If this were not the case, missing girls of color would make the news.

Emotionally charged crimes, like Gabby Petito’s murder, Christian charlatans love using to present propaganda to rally and consolidate believers. Why else would Christians attack an idea like “missing white woman syndrome” when white women receive most media attention?

The Christian enrages over the tragedy of Gabby Petito, praying for the family, pressuring Christian police and Christian media who all react with indifference to nonwhites and non-Christians. Why? Because Christians are the propaganda machine’s automatons programmed by charlatans and Christian “news”:

According to critical race theorists, Petito shouldn’t be solely remembered as a victim of murder — she should also be remembered as a beneficiary of white privilege. Particularly, they believe she’s the latest major example of what they’ve termed, “missing white woman syndrome.”

“Missing white woman syndrome” suggests Western culture — and the world as a whole — reinforces white supremacy and white privilege by prioritizing missing white women over non-white missing women. It suggests racism is the basis for why missing white women disproportionately receive more attention than missing non-white women.

If you’re surprised critical race theorists would force supposed racism into Gabby Petito’s case, you shouldn’t be. Critical race theory is designed to identify the supposed role of racism in every facet of society. ~The Christian Post (Don’t worry; I took pictures because we know how Christians censor!)

No, it’s not the endless list of non-Christians and non-whites streaming across the missing person’s webpages that go unsolved; it’s all a fabrication of the critical race theorists. Now reveals the ugliness of Christian propaganda that uses murdered and endangered people to prop itself up and maintain power. Christian propaganda says, “It’s not systemic racism; it’s not the murdered Blackmen; it’s not missing or murdered non-whites and non-Christians. We would never act that way. We’re Christians! No, it’s the left, the liberals, and the critical race theorists who are the real problem.”

Only Christian propaganda could warp a mind into believing that desiring equal justice promised by law is a conspiracy against Christians.

Christianity Causes Trumpism — No way!

Leading Scientists Confirm Christian Stupidity Leads to Trumpism

Christianity Causes Trumpism

Today’s reading of the New York Times “The Morning” newsletter made me laugh when seeing National Political Correspondent Lisa Lerer’s reporting,

For years, pundits and political strategists have speculated about Donald Trump’s hold on the Republican Party. It is an essential question for the party and, as a result, the country: Could there be Trumpism without Trump? And what, exactly, would that look like?

Lerer’s reporting reveals the tragedy of US media outlets carefully spoon-feeding readers political news either suffering the same stupidity or avoiding Christian outrage, perhaps both. What will it take to comprehend the Christian problem?

Christianity Causes Trumpism — No way!

Though realizing I might be wrong, part of me refuses to believe Americans are this dense. Trumpism without Jesus is like bread made without flour. If not oblivious, media and political pundits must engage in some form of self-censorship, fearing to alienate Christian readers. By censoring themselves, these sources deliberately or unintentionally pander to Christian readers in a way that makes me wish they were just thickheaded.

Their approach to reporting forms an around-the-issue strategy when discussing Trumpism, which hurts everyone with a misleading and inaccurate view. 

How can we possibly deal with the rise of authoritarian politics if we cannot openly discuss a primary component driving this ideology?

Christianity Causes Trumpism — No way!

History shows neither authoritarianism nor theocracy benefits the average person. Wrapping both in the same politics spells disaster, which I am not sure can be avoided at this juncture. The tremendous number of Christians in the US who do not understand the severity of the problem, or worse yet, believe this politics is a good idea, have no idea how bad Trumpism will be for them.

Do right-leaning Christians who are not complete loons honestly believe life will be good under Trumpian leadership? Having a Jesus-infused government seems like a great idea until they realize they have no government support when things go wrong. In the Trumpian narrative, the Christ-led GOP controlling government will do away with big government, ending many social programs. After four years of Trump, the evidence of this theocratic governing presents readily in the new job creation and increased standard of living, correct? FactCheck says otherwise,

After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%.

The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up…in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.

The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.

The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.

The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.

Who do Christians think will benefit from this small government that clears the policy road for big business and rich people to trickle down the wealth? 

Not the poor Christians who suffered enough to believe Trump would make America great again. Those people have it worse now because of Trumponomics — but not corporations and rich people! Hey, but Christianity is the truth, so who cares about the facts?

Christianity Causes Trumpism — No way!

The media and experts should care.

We saw the direction Trump took the GOP that continues following that path toward destroying or controlling the press. News media and experts should be reporting the deep-rooted causes of Trumpism, focused on Christianity since pandering by censoring themselves for Christians benefits the Trumpers, keeping those Christians who believe the right-wing propaganda in the dark by using their religion against them. Blaming evangelical fundamentalists or imposter Christianity is not enough because Christians need awareness of the large numbers of mainstream Christians who believe in Trumpism. By clarifying the Trumpism problem, liberal Christians have no choice but to save their religion or allow it to be perverted further into authoritarianism.

Trumpism is a Christian problem.

How Christians Virtue Signal

Jesusing: The True Virtue Signaling

How Christians Virtue Signal

Christianity is a self-absorbed, selfish religion that fuses with every aspect of a person’s life. The effect of this philosophic disease manifests in a constant state of Jesusing (talk that represents Christians) that underpins all conversations, thoughts, politics, behaviors, and communications, always with a hidden agenda of evangelizing but more so as a means of showing solidarity.

Jesusing is Virtue Signaling

Jesusing presents clearly from the born-again waving his bible or Christian screaming at a Trump rally. Even on social media, Christians display little crucifixes on their profiles or proudly describe themselves as “Christian,” but most Jesusing takes the form of virtue signaling: an idea Christian conservatives conveniently and inevitably coopted as an insidious act of the liberal, Marxist, nonbelievers, and atheists. Virtue signaling is a form of subtext that lets other Christians know each other and herds them with purpose.

They couch their value statements in daily conversations to spread “the word” but more so to rally each other in opposition to whatever bothers them or what they deem unchristian. You’ve seen this many times, especially in social media comments embedded with Christian values,

“Cursing is bad.” Meaning bad non-Christians curse.

“I hate selfish people.” Meaning bad non-Christians are selfish.

“Being a victim is a choice.” Meaning bad non-Christians blame others for their problems, even if they were raped.

“He’s a good family man.” Meaning he is an upstanding father because he is Christian and you are not a good family man if you’re not a Christian.

Virtue signaling mires in subjective ambiguity, making strong the desire to write it off as nonsense until seen in action. So subjective is the virtue signaling’s accusation almost anyone can declare someone’s moral stance as a form of virtue signaling. For this reason, virtue-signaling should never focus on general normative statements or behaviors. A white person who takes advantage of privilege while screaming Black Lives Matter on social media may be virtue signaling but more likely is just a hypocrite. The more formative identification of virtue signaling investigates the appeal of such a person’s statement concerning a group. For instance, Donald Trump presents himself as a populist, a man of the people, meaning all people, yet consistently opposed gay rights, denied racial equality, and sided with Christian nationalists. When Kyle Rittenhouse received exoneration, Trump’s declaration, “A nice young man,” meant “he’s a good Christian” or “non-Christian, democrats, and antiracists are the bad people.”

Seen through this lens, most virtue-signaling accusations are meaningless since they are too prone to interpretation. Any Christian could immediately claim this article forms a virtue-signaling of antichristian values or specifically, “Vince makes himself the good guy by criticizing Christians.”

These Christians are wrong.

Virtue signaling is a deceptive tactic because it disguises an attack as a virtue. I am not being deceptive; I am openly criticizing Christians for using virtue signaling as a means of rallying and spreading their nonsense.

I am not signaling; I am arguing a point.

Christians instead use virtue signaling like a secret handshake to point out enemies and learn who is Christian and who is not. The practice is deceptive because they appear to make innocuous value statements (Jesusing) when building solidarity and closing ranks.

Conservative media outlets prove virtue signaling is Jesusing. In 2015, The Spectator, a conservative magazine, published the article “Easy Virtue,” which appears to be a discussion concerning virtue signaling but is instead a propaganda piece intended to rally conservatives, and by default Christians, against specific liberal ideas. Author James Bartholomew writes,

Mishal Husain [British news anchor for BBC Television] was particularly aggressive to Nigel Farage [Leader of the Brexit Party from 2019 to 2021]…interrupting him mid-sentence, insinuating that he is racist or that, even if he isn’t, his membership is. She would doubtless like to believe that she was being tough but fair. But another force within her was stronger. Mishal was ‘virtue signalling’ indirectly — indicating that she has the right, approved, liberal media-elite opinions, one of which is despising Ukip and thus, most importantly, advertising that she is not racist.

Reading the transcript of the interview shows Husain asking tough questions and perhaps being harsh but still valid, wanting Farage to confirm and deny racist elements concerning his constituency:

Transcript Excerpt

What appears as a typical heated political debate Bartholomew declares virtue signaling for the reason,

When she [Husain] later goes to a dinner party attended by other members of the media elite, she will be welcomed and approved for having displayed the approved, virtuous views.

Yes, that is why the reporter asks a potential candidate hard questions concerning racist ties; to signal her fake virtue to gain approval from the media elite.

Bartholomew engages in the very act of virtue signaling he accuses Husain. How do we know Bartholomew is virtue signaling because his entire article focuses on examples of left-leaning people virtue signaling. His deceptiveness appears to the Christian or conservative to show the real villains. We know he is doing this because he presents no example of any right-leaning person signaling. Clearly biased, Bartholomew gives a ridiculous reason for Husain’s signaling to reinforce the Christian, conservative belief that the media is a left-controlled, unreliable news system. He is Jesusing, plainly seen in the fact that he adds a moral component to his discussion of signaling exemplified in his example of comedians signaling to win audiences,

Comedians make use of virtue signaling of the vituperative kind. With the right audience they can get laughs scorning the usual suspects: Ukip, the Daily Mail, Eton, bankers and the rest. The audience enjoys the caricaturing of all of these, sneering at them and, in the process, joining together as a congregation of the righteously contemptuous. What a delight to display your virtue, feel confirmed in your views, enjoy a sense of community, let off some anger and have a laugh all at the same time! It is so easy, too!

The comedians couldn’t possibly be making fun of conservatives because they see them as malevolent, irrational people. No, the comedians distort these upstanding people and organizations because they’re bad — unchristian. Don’t believe me? Follow Batholomew’s digital trail from the Spectator to the Museum of Communist Terror. How unsurprising a destination, considering communists are the great enemy of the Christian.

Wherever you see conservatives accusing or discussing virtue signaling, you can rest assured they are Jesusing, thereby committing the sin to which they point the finger.

Why Christians Needn’t Fear This Whole “Nuclear War” Thing

Hallelujah & shit...

Why Christians Needn’t Fear This Whole “Nuclear War” Thing

When the Bombs detonated, in D.C. and New York, it took several minutes way out here on the left coast, before we even knew anything about it. I’ll tell you the truth, though, no one seemed to feel too bad about all the politicians being vaporized. I mean the good God-fearin’ ones were okay no matter what and the rest . . . who cared?

I mean, we weren’t pleased, Of course,

But congress being blown to smithereens along with the President and his cabinet and all that shit, and the media and the really rich captains of industry and lawyers, all of them, zapped out of existence in those big flashes… Let’s just be honest and admit that most people were more angry about the interruption to their favorite T.V. Programs (Hell, we were ankle-deep in a really excellent Christian Crime mini-series about a school-shooter and the dog that loved him, but I digress).

As I was saying, most people were mostly just pissed-off that somebody had the audacity to actually drop the bombs on us after all we’d done to make the world a better place and safe for freedom-loving Christian democracies and such.

Anyway, after a few weeks of confusion and inconvenience, everything went back to pretty much normal.

And we all realized that this whole nuclear bomb thing was, like, wayyyy over-rated, Not really that big a deal at all.

We got some new politicians, mostly guys competing to show how much more mad they were than their opponents at whoever had bombed us: Amazingly intense, mostly older white dudes, foaming at the mouths and spitting all over the place, heck they coulda been TV evangelists or selling stain-removers, — they were THAT good and that anxious to prove it by us dropping atom bombs on all the various countries that might have bombed us first.

We were never real clear about who that was, so we just fucked them all up.

You can never be too safe!

And then, like I said, everything went back to sorta normal.

There were some GREAT sales on slightly radioactive goods from the eastern seaboard,

Cool shit that glowed in the dark, REALLY amazing prices

And why not, We heard some mumbo-jumbo from the so-called “Scientific Community” about so-called “Health-risks” but, you know, nobody has paid attention to any of that since the last half a dozen COVIDs. After all, we’re ‘Mericans, our motto is, “Nobody lives forever.” (unless they love Jesus enough, of course).

Personally, and this is just my view, one man’s opinion, although I think many of my fellow citizens share it, There’s nothing to worry about in regards this whole nuclear annihilation thing. Don’t sweat it, it’s all okay.

Seriously, don’t even think about it.

Now gas prices, that’s a whole new ballgame; “Hang Mike Pence!!! HANG MIKE PENCE!!!”

Image credit: Obert Madondo, “Forgotten Sisters”
Original photos by National Cancer Institute, Accuray, ThisisEngineering RAEng, Sharon Pittaway, National Cancer InstituteBen White, & engin akyurt on Unsplash
Copyright Vincent Triola & Terry Trueman


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Christian Dominated Media Spins, Virtue Signals, & Fear Mongers

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Christian Persecution or Sociopathy?

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Christian Pollution Leaves Medium

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Christian’s War Dogs Tear Native Americans to Pieces

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Christianity is The Fascist Problem No One Will Discuss

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Christianity Makes Sociopaths

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Christianity: Philosophy or Pathology?

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Christianity’s Armchair Psychologists

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Christians are 100% Responsible for Women Forced to Incubate Unwanted Rape Babies

Along with many other shitty things. Christians lied, propagandized, and spent unknown millions to fight a common-sense legal decision giving women autonomy over their bodies, and they won. Make no mistake, the battle to overturn Roe vs. Wade was not some evangelical judicial coup but a direct result of Christianity, less some minor liberal churches lacking any authority. As the zealots fist-pump the air in victory, they should start to think about the many responsibilities...

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Christians are the most persecuted people in the world!

Reader Comment I reckon you only talk about the US, which perhaps you think is the only country worth mentioning as a rule. Should you choose to educate yourself and widen your horizons, you would quickly learn that Christians are indeed the most-persecuted religious group in the world and have been for many years. ~Comment by Michele Ramarini Dear Reader, Thank you for enlightening me with your well-researched fact concerning Christian persecution. Sadly, someone fooled...

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Christians Got Their Feelings Hurt

After a second warning for “harassing or name-calling” Christians, I removed and ceased all commenting on this platform. I find it hilarious that Christians choose to comment on my articles, leaving nasty or ridiculous comments, then report me for hate speech when I respond. I never commented on any Christian article on this site despite many ludicrous and outright lies published. I published my “hate speech,” less the Christian commenters, so you can judge if my responses to Christians...

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Christians love to think of themselves as the ever-persecuted minority…

I love that final stab. "Christians love to think of themselves as the ever-persecuted minority bravely carrying a banner of Truth, yet they have absolutely no problem ostracizing, and actually persecuting those whose views don’t align with their own. (Also, you’re NOT alone in your opinions.) ~K. M. Lang Dear Reader,Thank you for your candor. Many people share similar opinions they cannot express due to living in Christian-dominated areas or risking the loss of family....

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Christians, Multilevel Marketing, & Other Fantasies

James Thurber’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty tells the tale of the person walking through life daydreaming, wishing to be something he is not while escaping a nagging partner. Mittie often go unnoticed, but some cross the line between truth and fiction, and these Mittie are well-known as the workplace storyteller or the barfly telling farfetched, daring, harrowing, or bizarre tales. Crossing into Mittyism may seem as unbelievable as the stories the Mittie tell, but...

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Christians Turn West Virginia Into Breeding Ground

West Virginia prepares to pass a near-total ban on abortion just as we predicted Christians would on May 4, 2022, stating, The ultimate goal of the Christian Nationalist is to control all resources in the United States by securing as many states as possible under Christian authority. The elimination of Roe vs. Wade places abortion law in the states’ control, ultimately providing Christians the ability to dominate many states by further reducing women’s power. Using...

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Chronic Christian Cognitive Obstructive Diseases: Learn About The Diseases of Ignorance

Table of Contents Understanding the Prevalence of CCCODs Common Misinformation about CCCODs The Most Common CCCOD Case Study of the Republican Disease Combating Ignorance & Promoting Understanding of Cognitive Diseases Understanding the prevalence of CCCODs The term "Chronic Christian Cognitive Obstructive Diseases" (CCCODs) has become increasingly common in recent years as an umbrella diagnosis for a variety of Christian Cognitive disorders. From articles on social media to personal stories shared online, it seems like everyone knows...

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Communicating Online Christian Knowledge

Welcome to the Theistic Rhetoric Online Language Lab. In today’s lesson, Communicating Online Christian Knowledge, you learn to identify and understand Christian social media posts and comments by critiquing a typical comment answering a Christian critic. Before we read the comment, let us review the primary elements of Christian communication. Denoted by complex semantics, Christian communication differs from traditional information transmission that says what is meant, instead employing a combination of hostile stubbornness, willful ignorance,...

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Criticizing Christians

To Rev. Gordon Tubbs and all other Christians who express similar concerns, I apologize for the late response; I only noticed your article today. Your open letter interested me for several reasons, some I agree with and others I don’t. Your arguments might appear unanswered, but this platform’s design makes searching every Christian Pollution article for specific answers an effort. These same inquiries I receive in email also make them pertinent, but I see little...

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Dan Foster & the Half-Wits of the Outhouse Church

Foster’s welcome to his denunciations of conservative Christianity, the latter being indeed a travesty. But the liberal Christian sounds to me like a parasitic ghost floating around, attaching itself to living persons, and having the gall to dictate how people should live. ~ Benjamin Cain Caine’s statement from the insightful The Emptiness of Liberal Christianity contains the civility and empathy for Dan Foster’s Outhouse Church I cannot muster. If liberal Christianity were solely a fool’s...

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Discrimination in the Name of Christianity - The Dangerous Side of Christian-Based Adoption Agencies

Christians claim they are all about saving children but the reality of their actions dictates a total disregard for the welfare of foster kids. Nothing clarifies this point better than Christian-based foster care. The case of Elizabeth and Gabriel Rutan-Ram highlights an alarming trend that has emerged in recent years as various states have passed legislation allowing Christian-based foster care and adoption programs to receive taxpayer funding, even if they exclude families based on religious...

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Do Christians bother you? You're not alone.

Is there something about Christians that bothers you? Can't place your finger on what irks you about Christians? Do you feel like they're constantly lying and preaching one thing while doing another? You are not alone! Daily, Christians push their religious agenda on everyone either through law, policy, or coercive, gaslighting culture but when criticized, they immediately claim, "It's the evangelicals!" "It's the Trumpers!" "It's not all Christians!" Would it surprise you that approximately 50%...

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Dumb American Christians, YOU are Lying, Racist Hypocrites, OR you support them.

No matter the icepick-like words chosen, none penetrate your dumb Christian skull. Never has a group been more challenged by a lack of critical thought, evidenced by your continuous claims that “not all Christians are guilty” or “it’s the evangelicals” and “there’s billions of diverse thinking Christians in the world.” Over and over, I argued points that pertain to US Christians ONLY since Christians in other countries don’t directly impact the politics and culture in...

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Dumb Christian Philosophers argue, “If you judge Christianity by Christians, then judge Atheism by Atheists.

People who call themselves Christian philosophers recklessly use the word “philosopher” and may want to inquire about refunds for degrees granting such a title. Perhaps dumb Christian philosophers consider themselves real philosophers and believe their comments about judging atheism make sense the way Wernicke’s aphasia sufferers believe they communicate clearly. Dumb Christian philosophers sound so stupid! Judging atheism by atheists is completely nonsensical since atheism is an absence of belief in a supernatural being(s), not...

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Evangelical MAGAs on Trump’s Day of Judgement

Witnessing the conundrum of the true believer steadfast in their convictions, facing the immovable object of contradictory evidence likens to watching a superhero movie where the hero's only power is Excalibur of Denial, and their arch-nemesis is Reality-Man, armed with the Power of Evidence. They stand on the battlefield of beliefs, the true believer's shield of faith clashing against the sword of facts, sparks of cognitive dissonance flying in every direction. The true Christian believer,...

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Further Deliberations on In Vitro Christian Challenges

Further deliberations on In Vitro Christian challenges and the unfolding of life unrelated to eternity and prosperity, (see: da gospel and less efficacious text materials such as, the KKK Manual of internal Psychological Misfiring, Mein Kampf, & fortune cookies.) The common denominator of all faith belief is pure imbecility, or at least a willingness to accept magical thinking as better than reason or empirical evidence. In other words, massive imbecility.  THE Truth Is Hidden in the Anals of Hx...

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“God Hates Fags!” Says Christianity's Most Honest Church

Westboro Church If ever you wondered how angry, screaming evangelists; lunatic preachers; racist, right-wing pastors; and other hate-filled Christians amass large audiences, look no further than Westboro Baptist Church. Despite its smallness, the church gained media attention for offensive protests of dead soldiers and, most notably, for its mantra, "God hates fags!" Popular culture named Westboro “the most hated church in America,” and Christians clamored disapproval, yet, this despised group of Christians survived a long...

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Science Says God Is Not Just Dead, He Never Existed: But the Christian Intellectual Knows Better

It is not a coincidence that Christians over the age of five still sound like 5-year-olds when they talk about their misunderstanding and blind stupidity to changes in technology specifically and science in generally. Big daddy Goddy-o, boss to your little bitch essence, doesn’t like it when you munch on fruit of knowing shit, remember? Stay stupid, stay good, fuck a lotta science, it’s all Dr. Fauci’s fuckin’ fault. Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian anarchist philosopher,...

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Good Clean Christian Sex

Christianity and sex are so insanely melded together, from virgin births to "don't hit that ho in the head with a bunch of rocks!" Indeed, all the Abrahamic religions were invented to give civilization a way of handling the fact that horny big guys want to fuck scared little guys' women. The Big Daddy in the Clouds had to give the little guys some way to handle this crisis (this was before AR-15s were readily...

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Have a Happy New Year Without Christians!

If you’re going to make a New Year’s resolution, swear off Christianity or change your life by ridding yourself of their company. Getting Christians out of your life is much easier than you think, requiring only a basic knowledge of the Christian psyche. Ray Comfort converting an atheist with the intelligent design argument provides a powerful example. What does this narrative teach us about Christians? Well, besides being complete morons, Ray exposes the Christian obsession...

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Here’s the Real Christian Hero Sexually Harassing AOC

Amazingly, the Supreme Court, with its mostly hardline-Christian Justices, receives immediate protection from peaceful protestors reacting to the Roe v. Wade leak, but a Congresswoman cannot even enter the Capital without being sexually harassed. Clearly, this is an upstanding prolifer evidenced by his accusations of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wanting to kill babies mixed with catcalls of “my favorite big booty Latina.” Here is a video he posted of the incident. I was actually walking over to...

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How Christians & Jordan Peterson Wow With Bullshit!

“Asking for empirical evidence for God is like asking for geological evidence for math. It’s a nonsensical category error.” ~Christian (See comments.) Christian adeptness for bullshitting is profound and disturbing. I discussed how Christians hijacked philosophy in the past, but this point cannot be stressed enough due to their philosophical flimflam that fulfills their secondary purpose of convincing nonbelievers. Secondary, you say? What could be more important than converting nonbelievers? Maintaining the herd. The more literate Christians realize...

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How Christians Misuse Philosophy to Support Their Lies

The Harmful Effects of Misusing Philosophy in the Christian Religion Christianity has a long history of misusing philosophy to justify its teachings, leading to various negative consequences for society. In this article, we will explore five key examples of how the Christian religion's misuse of philosophy can harm society: 1. Climate Change Denial Some Christians argue that because God created the Earth, he will not allow it to be destroyed. This perspective can lead to...

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How The Supremacy of Scripture in Christianity Breeds Irrational and Dangerous Thinking

Central to Christian belief is the idea that God's word, as revealed in the Bible, holds absolute authority over all other forms of knowledge. This conviction, often referred to as the "supremacy of scripture," can have a profound impact on how believers view and interact with the world around them. While some may argue that this doctrine fosters a sense of morality and spiritual guidance, there is also evidence to suggest that it breeds irrational...

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I’m getting the Christian problem now.

I never really thought of myself as a Christian, and I never considered Christianity in general as a problem. At first, it seemed like you guys were just using Christians as a scapegoat, but now I’m questioning everything I’ve been taught. Every time I look at the news, there is some crazy shit Republicans are doing. Today, I saw Missouri passed a law making a dress code for women in government and couldn’t help but...

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Identifying & Dealing With The Christian Troll

What is a Christian Troll? You just wrote a masterpiece supported by reason and fact when suddenly, a two-sentence, critical-thought-lacking, irrelevant comment appears, dismissing the entire article. You laugh, “No one would take such a mindless rebuttal seriously.” To your shock, others praise the commenter for possessing sharp rhetoric and logic, as if you were the illiterate. If you’ve ever spent some time online, you’ve probably encountered an internet troll. An internet troll makes inflammatory,...

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Ignorant Christians Believe I’m Angry & Lying About Christianity

Ignorant Christians like leaving comments on articles accusing my criticism of Christianity as angry lies, but any fact check of the Christian Pollution’s articles readily shows this claim’s falseness. Clearly, ignorant Christians are literate enough to understand the article, so why post lies about Christian Pollution? Because they fear overturning their worldview and reality. Ignorant Christians entrench their lives in a belief system that tells them they are good people following their faith’s tenets, regardless...

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INCEL World & the Raptures of the Ruthlessly Unattractive

This INCEL movement is almost impossible not to laugh at, although it’s not funny in its most extreme manifestations. Nor is it amusing, I assume, to the women in the crosshairs of these madmen’s hate. I grew up in an era where, when I met a pretty woman and the situation and mood were right, we were almost as likely to fuck as we were to shake hands. Oh, yeah, I acknowledge it usually took a little...

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Unveiling the Truth: The Undisputed Pauline Letters & Their Stand Against Gnostic Fallacies

Table of Contents The Pauline Letters: A Brief Overview The Undisputed Pauline Letters: Their Origin & Importance The Deutero-Pauline Letters: A Closer Look When Were the Pauline Letters Written: A Timeline The Pauline Letters Summary: Main Themes & Messages Unveiling Gnosticism: An Ancient Heresy The Gnostic Paul: A Contradiction to the Undisputed Pauline Letters Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters: A Misinterpretation Paul's Attack on Gnosticism: An Examination The Undisputed Pauline Letters' Stand Against Gnostic...

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Is God an Anti-God That’s A Veritable Vegetable?

The Discovery of a New Type of Supernova Explains a Stellar Explosion From 1054 You know in your bones that more is going on than we can ever understand . . .and you know it’s not ALL good. The anti-vaxx’rs and other science-deniers are rejecting the powers of empirical evidence and inquiry for the wrong reasons. They’re happy to spurn silly theories like gravity, evolution, climate change, and the germ concept of illness, preferring to...

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January 6 riots have nothing to do with Christian Nationalism you fucking moron!

Answering the email of the concerned Christian, Fuck You, from “” Table of Contents Reexamining the Impact of Christian Nationalism on the January 6th Riots Understanding the January 6 Riots The Role of Christian Nationalism in the Riots The Case for Christian Nationalism Why Christian Nationalist are Falsely Blamed for the January 6th Insurrection The Truth About Christian Nationalism on the January 6 Riots Reexamining the Impact of Christian Nationalism on the January 6th Riots...

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Jesus Jibber Jabber

Responding to my article, How CNN Promoted the False Narrative of “Imposter Christianity,” a commenter provided a clear example of how Christians troll the internet looking to herd and maintain the flock using arguments solely aimed at discrediting or deflecting criticism. You will find these examples everywhere on the internet, reflecting the deep-rooted Christian persecution complex that impels followers to defend their beliefs to the point of sounding paranoid or nonsensical. These fear-driven comments also...

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Jesus & the Beatles were Woke - Christians Steer Clear!

Recently I saw a headline on an internet news site suggesting that some Christians were upset by some of the things Jesus Christ has been accused of saying. These good Christians believe that whole Sermon on the Mount thing, with all its libtard claptrap is a few steps too far from Trumpian values, ethics and practical solutions to the world's problems to still be applicable. The article suggested Jesus, although he is the son of...

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Judge Christianity by Christians

Yet another dumb Christian article left me shaking my head this morning in self-incrimination for still feeling surprised by the lack of critical thought Christian’s exhibit. Seeing someone hopelessly lost in mindlessness brings no comfort in being correct. Today’s article focused on why people shouldn’t judge Christianity by Christians. This assertion conveyed the asinine thinking of Christians to everyone except them, proving Christianity is a philosophic disease. Christianity isn’t some abstract notion scrawled in a...

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Lafayette Judge Michelle Odinet Proves Systemic Racism is Alive & Well

My children and I were the victims of an armed burglary at our home. The police were called and the assailant was arrested. The incident shook me to my core and my mental state was fragile. I was a wreck and am still unable to sleep. I was given a sedative at the time of the video. I have zero recollection of the video and the disturbing language used during it. The laughing and joking...

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Christian Letters: January - March 2023

When Vincent Triola and I met, we found ourselves kindred spirits in our iconoclastic and blasphemous attitudes and beliefs regarding many matters. Not the least of these was our disdain for the idiocy and ridiculousness of magical thinking manifesting itself throughout our culture: From “pull yerself up by your jockstraps” to “Jesus is my very best-est buddy” from “The Superbowl is the most significant event in all of western”… no, make that “HUMAN history” to...

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Malcolm X’s Insight into Christianity

The white man never has separated Christianity from white, nor has he separated the white man from Christianity. When you hear the white man bragging, “I’m a Christian,” he’s bragging about being a white man. ~Malcolm X. The insightful and prophetic Malcolm X understood the intrinsic tie of white supremacy with Christianity. Today, we face the outgrowth of Malcolm X’s insight, but rather than focusing on white Christians, the problem centers on distinguishing Christians from...

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is every bit a Christian as AOC

A comment on a recent article about AOC’s sexual harassment at the Capitol pointed out that AOC is a Christian. Christians believe religious critics don’t know liberal Christians exist, and the mere existence of the progressive somehow proves the conservative, fundamentalist, or evangelical Christian isn’t the “true” Christian. Critics know all too well the identity problem Christians foist on the rest of the US that pollutes politics by forcing a determination of which Christian will...

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Monogamy VS Polygamy: AI Goes CPAC

So, I asked an AI chat function to tell me a humorous story about the benefits and challenges of “monogamy versus polygamy.” On most subjects the AI reads like an essay by a community College teacher trying to impress his tenure committee, proper citations in appropriate footnote/endnote styles, links, informative, safe, reasonable and vanilla.  But for this assignment the AI pulled out the below: “Sure, I’ll try to write a humorous story about monogamy versus polygamy....

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Most Bullies are Christian Children

Bullying’s history is long, but awareness of the problem’s severity didn’t begin until the 1990s in the US when researchers began actively studying the issue. With increased research, bullying began clarifying as discrimination fueled by a power imbalance, allowing children with a stronger social position to harm those of lesser status using violence and ridicule. Despite increased awareness, bullying is still downplayed and often ignored by adults mainly because this abuse is a function of...

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North Dakota Public School District Superintendent Larry Volk says,

Why the media deemed Volk’s despise of critical race theory newsworthy escapes me. By this point, it should come as no surprise that education is as polluted with Christianity as any other institution in America. Situations like the one with Volk should question the hiring practices for teachers and education administrators since logic dictates you wouldn’t want zealots teaching and especially not managing schools. Yet Volk not only voiced his opinion but received approval from...

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“Osteen” is the Babylonian word for Satan.

I don’t know for sure, but it’s probably true that “Osteen” is the Babylonian word for Satan. It can’t possibly be good for the human species to continue indulging the Bronze Age fantasies, authoritarian constructs, and social engineering that shield the so-called “faithful” from social and personal accountability. ~ Comment by Paul Hildum Dear Reader,Thank you for identifying one of the primary links between some of the worst aspects of Christianity. Critics of Christianity and...

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Overturning Roe vs Wade & Mike Johnson Opening The Door to Theocracy

The meme above has been floating around, showing new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is quoted as saying some pretty amazing shit. Mike Johnson and his wing of radical lunatic anti-choice misogynists certainly seem capable of such an outrageous view. And all pity to Laurie Kilmartin, Austin/Fort Collins whose able- bodied worker son apparently won’t leave her couch in the basement. I remember some years back, shortly after her failure to be elected Vice-President...

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Philosophical, Political Grossness:

Gone are the days when we can look out at our culture and say, "Okay, if we just fix this and that we'll all be all right and Jesus and his daddy-o will be pleased and we'll be swell for-fuckin'-EVER," or at least those days should be gone. How many more examples of faith belief and magical thinking transmogrifying into dog shit on the heels of our jogging shoes will it take? Dunno Donno, but...

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Psalm 24 Interpretations

Table of Contents Commentary & Analysis Psalm 24 The True Purpose The True Beauty of Psalm 24 The Wonders of Psalm 24 Questions to Consider When Writing a Bible Interpretation Bible interpretation is no easy task, requiring much effort, prayer, and meditation to write. To truly write effective Bible commentary once must go that quiet place inside and let Jesus enter the peace of spirit and mind. Psalm 24 highlights this need to connect with...

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Racist Christian asks, Who commits more crime?

The oblique question "Who commits more crime?" promotes racist inquiry. One wouldn't ask who commits more crime without defining "who" to avoid this issue. Investigating who commits more crime can be a scientific inquiry depending on the group in question, such as recidivism rate differences between juvenile and adult offenders. However, without focusing the question, the person could be asking about anything. Though meaningless, you'll see the question posted on racial injustice articles because racist...

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Sexy, Drunk Christians: Twelve Steps to Purity

Christianity violates the rational balancing of needs and morality, allowing believers to overcome dissonance by justifying contradictions, thereby creating discord. The contradictory thinking elicited from an improbable belief (Christianity) appears rational because what appears as wisdom, “do unto others,” is just practical insight found in most cultures in one form or another. This wisdom becomes susceptible to irrational application, having been filtered by Christianity, perfectly explaining the many glaring contradictions inherent in Christians, like believing...

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Christian Love & Hate’s Dichotomy

Faith and Jesus play out in the real-world imaginations of people who need this kind of horseshit to survive. Life is hard, or at least people who tell themselves this about Jesus eventually see that reality can be kind of a bear at times. From a range of silly Christian applications force-fed into one's brain because everything always, all the time is, after all, about you and yer buddy, Jesus, right? Christianity mixes love and...

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Spirit, Faith, & Love Against Bullshit

Miracles Happen mostly when we decide something unexpected and/or unusual is miraculous. Miracles are the simple-minded adults’ version of a child’s magical thinking. See What Happens When the Easter Bunny Stares up at Jesus Rising Into a Fuckin’ Cloud? Happy Easter, Motherfuckers! Revenge is a dish best served Irresponsibly One of the coolest pics ever: The wide, long, large swath of my disastrous personal approaches to both romantic relationships and bad luck with women named...

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That Whole Adam & Eve Thing is Bullshit

…pretty much my atheism just boils down to god pisses me off. Balancing acts & ampersand Disequilibration Some words just sound so cool that they deserve to be the title of a poem regardless of how much disequilibrating they cause. When I stand up too fast, I get dizzy but I don’t care. Because I’ve always got Jesus & prayer! Religion scholar explains how a specific strain of Christianity became a toxic political force And...

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The Arizona Small Town Survival Guide to Christian Infidelity

p>Small-town infidelity is a serious matter. Arizona’s small towns abundantly produce Godly Christian men needing to satisfy sexual urges and plenty of sinful housewives to satisfy those men. Although this appears to be a match made in Heaven, Christian men face many risks. To navigate the treacherous waters of small-town infidelity, Christian men should follow these life-saving, practical rules. Know the Legal Terrain The first rule of small-town infidelity is to know the legal terrain....

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The Atheist Miracle

COVID is doing for atheism what generations of rational inquiry and arguing could not: silencing the lunatic Christians. Here is a shortlist of some of those silenced by nature’s miracle. Televangelist Marcus Lamb Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby Pastor and talk show host Bob Enyart Radio Host Marc Bernier Radio talk show host Phil Valentine Radio talk show host Dick Farrel The list goes on and on reported by the hated site, Sorry Anti-Vaxxer, which...

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The Christian Deception: A Liar’s Worldview

So you think I am vicious calling Christians liars? You squirm at the harshness of my language, gasp at the bluntness of claiming Christians are pathologically dishonest, and demand more proof. Ask and you shall receive! I give you, not just the reasons they lie, but why you shouldcall them liars. Belief vs Lie Christians argue their religion is a choice of beliefbased on faith. Okay, fine, but what differentiates their belief from a lie?...

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The Christian Fraud

Note: Daily, I am challenged by Christians to explain the logic in condemning all of them, and despite having answered this question in numerous articles, I again present this position as concisely as possible, primarily to provide too-lazy-to-read Christians a landing page for future inquiries. Proper Philosophy Every belief begins in philosophy, the discernment of truth, even religion. At some point, even if indoctrinated, the adherent must reconcile their values with the real world to...

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The Christian Meets the Leprechaun

You keep saying Christians are delusional and crazy. This ad hominem attack proves nothing. Look around and you will see that there are millions of Christians. According to you, they are all nuts. Maybe you should talk to a psychologist. ~Christian Email Dear Christian, Once, a God-fearing man celebrated his birthday in a bar by drinking green beer on Saint Patty's Day. Holding his paper top hat and stumbling through the crowded room of patrons...

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The Complete Summary & Commentary of Bible Books

Old Testament The Book of Psalms The Book of Psalms is a book of biblical wisdom. There are 150 songs that comprise the Book of Psalms. It is believed that King David wrote many of the Psalms. The psalms cover a variety of different subjects but many of them are happy songs that show praise for God. There are other Psalms that are sad prayers such as Psalm 74 while other Psalms tell how God...

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The Dangers of Christianity: An Overview For Dumb Christians

Explaining the Obvious Christians wonder why I call them "stupid" and other choice words or just assume I'm angry with them. The obvious, dangerous nature of Christianity that goes ignored, provokes my name-calling because to not see these risks results from stupidity or willful ignorance. How could they not be stupid or deliberately ignorant when Christianity, practiced by billions across the globe, holds immense sway over societies and individuals alike. All faith-derived power holds a dark side of breeding...

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The Flaw of Stand-Your-Ground Laws & Systemic Racism

February 26, 2012, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman placed a 911 call, reporting a suspicious acting person, Treyvon Martin, who cut through yards on his way home. The 911 operators told Zimmerman not to approach Martin or to exit his vehicle, which he ignored then confronted Martin. The situation quickly escalated to violence and ended with Martin fatally shot in the chest. These facts as CNN reported in 2014 eventually led to a jury finding...

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The Ignorance of Christian Arrogance

Anyone harmed by Christianity is biased against Christians. Christian idiocy is so widespread I sometimes wonder if this lack of sense forms naturally or from practice? Their all-encompassing irrational, unoriginal thought indicates a naturally occurring stupidity, but practice also holds a strong possibility seen in Christians constantly repeating mindless claims such as, “Something bad must have happened to you to make you so angry at Christians.” Clearly, past sufferings must fuel the rage and therefore...

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The Ku Klux Klan: A Tale of Christian Terrorism

One of the most contentious points in American history is the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. Today, many people associate the Klan with a distant memory or a movement from a bygone era. There’s a tendency to diminish the impact of the Klan on American society, perhaps in an attempt to forget its influence. However, the Klan was a force of social and cultural change that profoundly impacted American culture and continues to exert influence...

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The Top Four Stupid Questions Christians Ask

The average Christian is so mind-numbingly out of touch with reality that their ability to function proves amazing. Made ignorant by the religion that tells them to turn a blind eye to criticism, they hinge on illiteracy as they repeat their zombie-like questioning and, worse yet, arrogantly believe they made a point. Herein, the answers to those questions list, and though the hopeless Christian will never read them, this article relieves me of the task of...

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The Top Ten Most Absurd Biblical Miracles

You Can't Make This Up - Or Maybe You Can Welcome, dear skeptics, to a journey through the annals of the absurd. Today, we're taking a look at some of the most bizarre events that are somehow accepted as divine intervention in Christian lore. Prepare yourselves for a rollercoaster ride of hilarity and disbelief as we count down the top ten most absurd biblical miracles. 1. Walking on Water (Matthew 14:22-33) Peter, one of Jesus'...

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The lies we tell ourselves about love and family.

Family myths and contradictions are a great source of entertainment and amusement for many people. They provide a sense of identity, belonging and history that can be cherished and passed on to future generations. They can also be used to justify all kinds of behaviors, decisions and attitudes that might otherwise be questioned or challenged. But what are the drawbacks of blindly accepting these stories without examining them critically? What are some of the biggest...

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This Christmas, Santa v. Jesus: Give Faith to the One Most Deserving

Every year, Christians remind us of their religion with their Jesus-talk concerning Christmas’ “true importance,” but Christian Pollution reveals the true savior — Santa! Christians claim Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ and his so-called miracles, yet Santa takes centerstage with his toy delivery achievement. Using nine tiny, magic reindeer pulling a flying sled, Santa delivers toys to all the children of the world and asks almost nothing in return! The evidence...

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Time to Get the Christian Horror, Clarence Thomas, off the Bench!

Though Clarence Thomas is not the only Supreme Court Justice guilty of lying, corruption, and conflicts of interests, Thomas forms a starting point to impeach the corrupt zealots running the Supreme Court. The current circulating petition reached over a million signatures and continues growing due to the outrage and fear of this Catholic justice who has urged the revisit of rulings concerning gay marriage, LGBTQ, and other rights previously granted by the court. Sign the...

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Topics of Interest On Psycho Christian Dating Sites

When you show up, bible in hand, teeth sparkling, deodorant hiding your incel flop-sweat and your rampant rash of anxiety hives you'll sit across quietly judging the gargantuan object of your future devotion and eternal love (marriage IS a sacrament, after all) you'll need a wide swath of subjects to debate over and concur upon in the name of da load—hopefully, our suggestions below will help you hone in and hit a bullseye — you...

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Trump, Hitler, & The Nazi Christian MAGA Anti-Woke Awakening

When one follows a leader who seems to have all the right answers it is shocking when that leader loses. The MAGA Christian cult has yet to see Donald Trump as the psychopathic malignant narcissist he so clearly is. However, we have an accurate precedent in relatively recent human conduct by comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler and the effects such individuals have on their societies and the world. These comparisons are criticized and lambasted...

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Unicorns, Big-foot, & Proof of Yer White Supremacy

America’s toxic mythologies are destroying us. Not all myths are evil or create death, despair, and soul-crushing injustice in their wake — But some are exactly that. Your belief in Unicorns or Big-foot doesn’t matter to me — your belief in white supremacy and Christian nonsense, does. California MAGA rioter nabbed by feds after his own church prayer group turns him in. Ethel (silent but moving her lips): “I pray this motherfucker goes to prison...

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What is the Sermon on the Mount?: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Meaning & Impact

Table of Contents Introduction The Context of the Sermon on the Mount What is the Sermon on the Mount? An Overview of the Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes and Teachings Detailed Analysis of the Sermon on the Mount Verses The Significance of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount The Impact of the Sermon on the Mount on Christianity The Sermon on the Mount in the Bible: Where to Find It The Sermon on the Mount Summary...

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What’s Wrong With Atheism?

I happened upon Colby Hess’ article “How I Grew Utterly Disillusioned with the Atheist ‘Movement,’” which echoed many concerns I share about atheism’s practice of uselessly arguing with theists. Hess illustrates this problem, describing atheists’ attempts to attack faith as “spending your days tweeting out insults to theists,” likening these insults with assertions of, “The sky is blue.” “The Earth is round.” “Water is wet.” Hess finds no argument with me on this point or...

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When will Christians just shut the fuck up?

Christians accusing anyone of “bad taste” holds the seriousness of Ron Jeremy accusing Hollywood of selling sex. Yes, the Jesus Junker is in bad taste, having depicted evangelical Christians in a false, negative manner. Clearly, there is no truth to this satire whatsoever because conservative Christians never hoard guns, don’t celebrate Trump, and embrace evolution. Take, for instance, the above photo’s undeserving poke at Marjorie Taylor Greene, an upstanding Christian who represents the peace-loving, all-inclusive...

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Why Christians? Because they’re dangerous.

“You’re angry.” “You’re paranoid.” “You’re mean.” “You’re not helping.” The accusations aimed at Christian Pollution highlight Christian danger exhibited in their meaningless and untruthful claims. Christian Pollution doesn’t strive to make apostates but instead clarifies the ever-present Christian threat, hoping to help non-Christians navigate the treacherous religion. Answering Christian defenders’ comments with harshly written articles presents another opportunity to show Christian insanity, hostility, and danger, and if Christians don’t want unpleasant replies, they shouldn’t comment....

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Wild Christians ~ Caught in Print!

Ten months ago, Terry Trueman and I undertook the challenge to document Christians in the wilds of America. We braved the danger of Christian backlash and hatred to bring you the hard-hitting truth about the asinine people who believe themselves worthy of eternal salvation. With Christian Pollution born, we began observing and interacting with Christians. We named the one I am holding above "Little Christian Boebert” when we rescued her after breaking her tooth, racing...

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Wow! Christianity is normal.

You’re not railing against Christians. You’re railing against the human condition. All countries were founded on the morals of the predominant culture. The concept of separation of church and state by the “founding fathers” was really for the government to not endorse a particular flavor of Christianity-remember the King was Episcopalian. Many of the early settlers came to be able to practice their own versions of PROTESTANT Christianity. Catholicism was considered evil when the country...

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You asked for a miracle to stop the Christians; I give you the IRS!

We see preachers driving expensive cars, buying private jets, and building enormous homes. Witnessing the blatant flaunting of wealth, we wonder how churches, especially the megachurches littering the US, can possibly be considered nonprofits? We shake our heads in disgust, feeling helpless witnessing the corruption — sometimes right in our town or city. Those pastors laugh and laugh after obtaining their nonprofit status, submitting their fraudulent statements, and evading taxes. They laugh and laugh from...

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Alcoholics Anonymous

The only thing worse than hearing you are powerless over a disease is hearing god is the only cure. Only Christianity could give birth to a religion masquerading as an alcohol rehabilitation program. AA proves Christianity's lunacy and mindlessness in the malleability to become anything, including a heretical cult.

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Church of The Redeemed Whore

The Sermons of Pastor Christian T. Roll for the year of our Lord 2022. Bringing You The Truth of Jesus Christ.

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Climate Change

If their irrational, implausible religion did not pollute society and government enough, Christianity promotes the ongoing environmental crisis. Inspiring countless climate change deniers and policies that exacerbate poverty and corporate-first thinking, Christians spiral humanity into an environmental catastrophe. Just as bad as their love of industry at the cost of nature, Christians' relentless use of fossil fuels and vermin-like breeding persists in an unwillingness to see themselves as the problem. Welcome to the Christian Pollution!...

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Christian Fraud

Christianity is the worst and largest fraud ever committed on innocent people. Starting at birth, children are indoctrinated with an absurd belief system that steals from them their ability to think critically and make proper decisions. No one born into Christianity chooses this religion.

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We Get Mail

Our mail is posted on Substack, and it is free to read just click on the links in the archives below and you can read what you desire.

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