Why You Should Call Christians Liars
So you think I am vicious calling Christians liars? You squirm at the harshness of my language, gasp at the bluntness of claiming Christians are pathologically dishonest, and demand more proof.
Ask and you shall receive!
I give you, not just the reasons they lie, but why you shouldcall them liars.
Belief vs Lie
Christians argue their religion is a choice of beliefbased on faith. Okay, fine, but what differentiates their belief from a lie? Nothing. A lie, “an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker ,” is not authenticated just because a person chooses to believe it. This condition applies to any belief: science, religion, politics, spirituality, etc. A lie, since it can be held as a belief, must then be distinguished by authentication since holding beliefs as lies can lead to terrible outcomes. In regards to Christians, see if any of these sound familiar:
- Believing lies such as fake news, conspiracy theories, and other political nonsense undermines trust and cooperation.
- You can lose faith in institutions or authorities because you believe you are persecuted.
- You can become unwilling to cooperate or compromise with those who have different views or interests because you believe you are right, eroding social cohesion and creating conflict and polarization.
- Believing lies can impair decision-making and problem-solving. When people base their choices or actions on inaccurate or incomplete information, they may make mistakes or miss opportunities. They may also fail to address the root causes of the issues they face or to consider the long-term implications of their solutions. This can result in wasted resources, missed goals, or unintended consequences.
- Believing lies can endanger health and safety. When people ignore or reject scientific evidence or expert advice, they may expose themselves or others to unnecessary risks or harm. They may also spread misinformation or disinformation that can influence the behavior or beliefs of others. This can undermine public health efforts, increase vulnerability to diseases or disasters, or threaten human rights or security.
If we agree believing lies should be avoided, authenticating truth is the most effective means to this end. In this distinguishing of truth, the Christian belief now grows into a lie becausethere is no substantive evidence to support Christianity, whether you realize it or not.
Christians cannot prove what they say about their religion; therefore, claiming their religion as truth is a lie.
Merely believing Christianity forms a self-deception because the believer is lying to herself, but the Christian lie goes much deeper.
The Christian Deception
Lying is not merely a fabrication but also a deception. If you misleadingly present truth, especially to guide an individual to some end, i.e., becoming a Christian, you have perpetrated a fraud or lie to achieve your goal. This form of lying clarifies further when you present an implausible or farfetched idea since you are not even using the truth to achieve your goal.
This is the Christian deception.
No matter what Christians argue, their belief’s bedrock (abridged version herein) claims a mysterious entity, who chooses to speak to select humans on rare occasions, created the entire universe in six days, then at a later date sent his only son to be nailed to a cross to show the road to salvation, and we should believe this story because it has been translated multiple times in multiple ways and sewn together in perhaps one of the most poorly written books that most Christians cannot stomach reading consistently.
This is the story Christians claim to be the truth. As such, they ask you to have faith in an idea they cannot prove, which makes their claim that Christianity is true a lie. Taking this religion as truth now opens any believer to becoming a liar, first to themselves and then to others. Ultimately, if your thought foundation is false, every belief supported by this lie has a high probability of being false, thereby creating a cascade of lies that forms the Christian worldview.
The Bible Lie
The Bible, the basis of Christianity, is an outdated, contradictory book of unsubstantiated stories and miracles intended to provide the Christian with the wisdom to attain salvation. Even though few Christians actually read the Bible, they often engage in a bizarre form of truth-seeking in which they argue translations and count the number of verses that support whatever position they take, as if this enumerating of passages adds significance to an argument. The deception continues to worsen as Christians point at one another, claiming they are the “authentic” Christians based on this mindless counting of verses. This act of fabricating goes on and on.
Christians further condemn themselves to lying by using this outlandish book of fiction, which has no proof, to prove what they are saying is true. Counting bible passages and interpreting them doesn’t make the bible true. If anything, it proves the book is so malleable as to mean anything and, therefore, nothing.
I Just Have Faith
Some Christians say, “Well, I just choose to have faith,” meaning, “Yes, I understand that there is no proof, but I am going to believe this fiction anyway.” If you have echoed this statement, you are lying to yourself because you are choosing to believe something you know you cannot prove to anyone, and you are acting as though your choice to believe a lie condones the lie. Lying to yourself is still a lie.
I consider these Christians some of the worst liars because they normalize self-deception, which reinforces one of the worst practices of lying since the person now has a license to ignore reality to maintain their lies.
Christian Philosophers (Liars)
Other Christians take the philosophical road, and these “philosophers” may start off believing they are proving the unprovable Christian lie, but, at some point, these “scholars” cross the line from self-deceiver to deliberate liar. These liars learn almost universally to argue some form of cosmological and intelligent design argument since these “theories” fit best the Christian fiction. They sound intelligent, talking in jargon and academese, which people lacking education or experience find convincing. Despite sounding compelling, these philosophers offer no substantive evidence to support their claims.
They present no evidence because it does not exist.
As just one example, cosmological arguments depend upon defining “infinite” and disproving the concept of infinite regression, e.g., what was the start of the universe, the big bang, what was the start of the big bang, etc.. ad infinitum. Not to oversimplify, but the crux of these arguments espouses that the infinite cannot exist because it is mathematically absurd, as expressed by Bruce Reichenbach in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
For example, imagine a library with an actually infinite number of books. Suppose that the library also contains an infinite number of red and an infinite number of black books, so that for every red book there is a black book, and vice versa. It follows that the library contains as many red books as the total books in its collection and as many red books as red and black books combined. However, this is absurd; in reality the subset cannot be equivalent to the entire set.
The point hereis not to prove or disprove the cosmological argument (I will leave that to the realphilosophers.) What we see is some of the complexity used to argue and the need to grasp theoretical concepts such as infinite, nothingness, and various cosmological arguments, including their particular elements. If you understand these arguments, which you must to intelligently argue them, you must realize they are not factual or substantive.They are conceptual, meaning they take place in the mind.
Since an infinite set of anything is not accessible in reality, you cannot prove these arguments, and, like all other unprovable notions, they must be rejected as fact until enough evidence authenticates them.
Now, the Christian lie clarifies in the necessity of the philosopher to understand the arguments and jargon he uses to “prove” his God and religion, which failed to occur for a thousand-plus years. They argue these various theories not as conjecture but as fact that they have proven God exists. Consider for a moment what the Christian is claiming:
You should have faith in this absurd religion because I have proven God existed via a conceptual argument that is no more substantive than trying to determine which came first, the chicken or egg.
With this deliberate lie and fraud, Christians cannot claim ignorance since they must understand the claims they make.
Ignorance vs Lies
Christians and nontheists often argue ignorance excuses the Christian lie because Christians do not know any better, because they are indoctrinated with their religion, or because they lack education. As silly as it sounds, Christians actually make this argument, which is like saying, “Christians tell lies because they don’t know any better.”
Anyone can misstate facts but it can also be due to ignorance. We grow in knowledge everyday.
You also last year for example know much more to describe your stance on Christian’s being liars while I know myself too that I can defend my faith today much better than let’s say last year.
Does it change the fact that God exists?
No. Ademola.
If we take the point at face value and believe that Christians are not misstating facts purposely, we can say they accidentally tell lies. While this excuse seems to exonerate many Christians, it does not.
Ignorantia juris neminem excusat.
Ignorance of the law excuses no one. Christians must be held accountable for their lies because ignorance should not be an excuse. Consider the enormity of what a Christian is asking you to believe: eternal life, damnation, living under the laws of a book written thousands of years ago, giving up your rights as a female, etc. These are heavy demands for a person to claim ignorance of their religion’s nonfactual nature and frankly carry no weight.
Surprisingly, many nontheists take this same argument, viewing the Christian as some innocent child brainwashed. While this might be true in the beginning, at some point, Christians confront the truth. Even Christians are all too familiar with the crisis of faith, in which a person questions their belief in a god or their religion and must reject belief based on the complete nonsense of their religion or accept, against facts, the lie. If given the facts and a Christian continues to present their belief as truth, even to themselves, they are a liar, and this has ramifications for everyone.
A Liar’s Worldview
The Christian deceit forms a worldview perpetuating lies both internally and externally. Once indoctrinated or convinced of the implausible religion, Christians form perspectives of the world, building lies on lies as the only scaffold that will support their irrational thoughts. For example, a liberal Christian who believes the LGBTQ have the right to live their lives in the way they desire must maintain belief and somehow reconcile this understanding with Christianity, which creates a problem of contradicting passages of the bible that expressly forbid homosexuality. Like most Christians, they turn to other sections of the bible and look for passages contrary to the passages forbidding homosexuality. To contradict the right-wing, homophobe Christian, the liberal Christian must now go deeper into the fallacies, claiming that MAGA is not an authentic Christian because he interprets the bible wrong. The liberal ignores the fact that the MAGA is committing the same fallacy and using the same bible passage counting method to condemn the liberal of the same inauthenticity. Their internal worldview, no matter how well-intentioned, fills with lies to reconcile the incoherencies of belief. Liberal and MAGA become trapped in a world of falsehoods built on the first lie of believing Christianity, and both externalize their lies.
You do not need to look far to see the proof that Christianity is a lie and that Christians manifest their lies in the external world. They war with education, government policy, voting policies, and many other areas of law and culture not because they want to improve things but to reinforce their lies. They want to control education to deny science and make everyone conform to the Creation lie. They oppose abortion because a woman should be married having Christian babies. Currently, most Christians desire an authoritarian, classist president to be reelected because he is willing to support that Christian lie. Every Christian act is lie-motivated, down to their charity that comes with trying to recruit. Whether they are fully aware of their lies or not and whether they mean well or not does not matter.
The danger of the Christian worldview is the same for everyone who believes lies. To avoid these risks, the truth compels us to call out the Christians to answer for these lies. We must reject their lies at every opportunity and permit ourselves to speak no matter the hazard because the ultimate danger resides in that Christian worldview that wants to condemn us to live those falsehoods.
All Christians lie, but the truth, no matter how harsh, will set us and them free.