Why Christians? Because they’re dangerous.

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Why Christians? Because they’re dangerous.

The Need for Christian Pollution to Show Christianity’s Danger

“You’re angry.” “You’re paranoid.” “You’re mean.” “You’re not helping.” The accusations aimed at Christian Pollution highlight Christian danger exhibited in their meaningless and untruthful claims. Christian Pollution doesn’t strive to make apostates but instead clarifies the ever-present Christian threat, hoping to help non-Christians navigate the treacherous religion. Answering Christian defenders’ comments with harshly written articles presents another opportunity to show Christian insanity, hostility, and danger, and if Christians don’t want unpleasant replies, they shouldn’t comment.

Nothing forces them to defend their religion but arrogance!

The need for Christian Pollution further reveals in their cultural domination that inflicts everyone, with a blindness to the religion’s perverseness, despite overwhelming evidence. The theology forms a perceptual prison rather than a worldview, and this polluted vision necessitates Christian Pollution to inform readers of the threat and knowledge needed to find freedom.

Why Christians are so Dangerous

Christian religiocentrecism is so apparent that not recognizing it implies willful ignorance. Perhaps some are purposely obstinate, but most Christians exercise an entitlement granted by a large population, allowing belief of superiority to non-Christians. More importantly, the religion instructs and reinforces members to believe they are better than others. Consider the arrogance needed to assume everyone holds the same morality and faith as you. In the US, Christian arrogance has no bounds, evidenced by Mike Pence, who introduces himself as “I’m a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican — in that order.”

Consider the millions of non-Christian who Pence feels so unworthy as Americans that he boasts his bias. Pence reflects many Christians whose arrogance stems directly from a faith that tells them they are better people because they are Christians: a point most won’t admit. They are saved; what more needs to be said. If Christians believe God saved them, wants them to share the “good news,” and they have the answers to all moral issues, then how could they possibly not consider themselves anything but superior to non-Christians?

If not for the tragedy of Christians trying to control our lives, their arrogance would be laughable.

Instead, we must contend with Christians and their dangers, reinforcing the need for Christian Pollution to inform us of the hazards, which most often present as a pervasive irrationality driving legal threats.

Dangers of Christian Incoherence

Listening and believing Christian irrationality presents a real danger evidenced by their actions. Christian irrationality inspires numerous interpretations of Jesus, God, and the bible, illustrating a doctrine so flexible as to render itself meaningless, denoted by thousands of churches, denominations, and millions of individual interpretations, all claiming the truth. No one in their right mind would base their morality and worldview on any single book for the very reason of interpretation problems. Adding to the Bible’s ambiguous nature, scripture contains an abundance of inconsistencies, errors, and absurdities.

Yet Christians find no fault in the interpreted or inerrant bible, forming the cornerstone of their insanity that endangers millions.

Indoctrinated since birth to believe Christianity harmless, most people, Christian or not, see the religion’s inconsistencies as trivial, but a massive social cost links to these dangers. For instance, New York Times columnist, Nicholas Kristof, points out,

…it’s striking that conservatives champion “family values” even as red states have high rates of teenage births, divorce and prostitution. In contrast, people in blue states don’t trumpet these family values but often seem to do a better job living them.

These outcomes do nothing to stop Christians from demanding abstinence-only sex education while ignoring poverty, prostitution, and other issues. Christian irrationality over birth control and sex education costs society significantly by increasing high school dropout rates, increasing teen parents, increasing welfare (which Christians rail against also), increasing abuse and neglect, straining the foster care system, increasing risk of prison for boys, and many more. A child born to an unwed mother is nine times more likely to be poor than a married high school graduate. 

Just concerning birth control and sex education, Christian irrationality increases unwed mothers, high school dropout rates, and overall poverty, which is even more disturbing since Christians endure the impacts directly. These outcomes present no issue evidenced by their complete willingness to sacrifice millions of lives, subject people to poverty, and cost society billions of dollars. Teen pregnancy is just one of many irrational stances, but perhaps the most significant Christian danger is their willingness to legislate their irrationality.

Christian Legal Danger

In a society that supposedly provides freedom of religion, we must constantly work around Christians legally. At the macro level, society wastes billions fighting Christian encroachments on the public square. The prayer in public schools controversy might come to mind, and though correct, a myriad of legal battles involve the religion, including property rights, church wrongdoings, internal church disputes, and promotion of religion in state institutions.

In 2006, Salon reported seven parishes severed ties with the Episcopal Church wanting “a more conservative governing body that shares their hard-line views on same-sex unions and gay ministers.” Like many cases involving churches, years of litigation ensued for the simple fact that courts face complicated legal decisions involving religion.

According to Pew, courts historically adjudicate by “deferring to the religious body’s hierarchy or leadership, or, when appropriate, to a majority of the congregation,” or by applying standards for secular organizations. While these approaches might work in some cases, such as property disputes in the Episcopal Church, they fail in other instances such as employee or clergy disputes. Because religious freedom carries such importance in the US, courts avoid interpreting Church doctrine while trying to decide cases, ultimately presenting a challenge since Church doctrine doesn’t lend itself to fairness. The disparity between religious freedom and social equality readily appears when churches rail against homosexuals, feminists, and other groups. These legal wranglings end up in courts, wasting money and time.

The Catholic church’s responsibility for global sexual abuse of minors took decades to bring to light, mainly because the church hid offenders and used legal ambiguities and agreements to make justice difficult: a problem that continues today. In 2021, United Nations experts described this issue in their letter to the Vatican, urging cooperation.

The experts noted the persistent allegations of obstruction and lack of cooperation by the Catholic Church with domestic legal proceedings to prevent accountability of perpetrators and reparations to victims. They also noted the concordats [legal agreements between church and state] and other agreements negotiated by the Holy See with States that limit the ability of civil authorities to question, compel the production of documents, or prosecute people associated with the Catholic Church.

From these legal issues glare the dangers for employees, clergy, and members due to special treatment by courts and proneness to legal problems, despite Christians claiming moral superiority. At the micro-level, major obstacles appear when individuals legally confront a church or Christian.

Rarely do people find Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam in jail. It should come as no surprise that criminals become born-again when they appear in court or before parole boards, playing the Christian empathy card. That same Christian sympathy shown to criminals inverts to callousness when suing or making criminal accusations against churches or their communities. Ask anyone who fought the Catholic Church’s abuse or talk to parents of bullied children, and both will respectively tell you about the uncaring congregations and clergy or the inaction of school administrators, teachers, and the criminal justice system.

As much as Christian judges and jurists like to believe themselves above reproach, if you sue their church, the likelihood of you winning is low. How any Christian jury claims objectivity while believing themselves righteous is ludicrous. Christian bias runs deep in US culture and presented here is just a fraction of the legal dangers a person, Christian or not, might encounter.

You Need to Know the Christian Hazard

Most media presents only a fraction of Christian danger and usually only the most controversial cases. Many more hazards exist beyond these controversies, and you, not Christians, need to know them. Christian Pollution dedicates to navigating the threats and combating the indoctrination that escapes your awareness. Learning to deal with these risks brings improvement and contentment to life, and Christian Pollution will continue to help achieve those ends by delivering the information you need.

We’re just getting started!

Jesus Fish