Christian Pollution
Christian Pollution
The Complete Summary & Commentary of Bible Books

Bible Discussions

The Complete Summary & Commentary of Bible Books

Narrative, Law, Prophecy, & Wisdom Books

Updated on October 15, 2024
Published: March 8, 2024
16 Minute Read Time

Old Testament

The Book of Psalms

The Book of Psalms is a book of biblical wisdom. There are 150 songs that comprise the Book of Psalms. It is believed that King David wrote many of the Psalms. The psalms cover a variety of different subjects but many of them are happy songs that show praise for God. There are other Psalms that are sad prayers such as Psalm 74 while other Psalms tell how God will deliver people from despair such as in Psalms 40 and 41. Still other Psalms relate history and discuss the Bible. The common theme underlying the variety of Psalm topics is the wisdom that is imparted to the reader. The Psalms teach us that we must have faith in God how important the love of God is for us all. If one studies Psalm 24, he or she can see the celebration of God’s covenant and ultimate sovereignty. Psalm 24 is also considered by many Christians to be prophetic of God’s promise to send the savior Jesus Christ. While there is this convergence of wisdom and prophecy, the Psalms are mainly a form of wisdom in which the reader discovers why it is important to love and praise God.


Ah, the Book of Psalms, the ultimate mixtape of biblical wisdom. So, King David, the original rapper, dropped 150 tracks of lyrical genius. We’ve got everything from happy tunes praising God to sad prayers and historical stories. It’s like the Billboard Top 150, but with more divine intervention. And don’t forget the wisdom — because nothing says wisdom like a good old-fashioned praise party. Psalm 24 even gives us a sneak peek into God’s promise to drop the hottest savior, Jesus Christ. It’s like reading the original script for a blockbuster movie — with a divine twist, of course.

The Book of Job

The Book of Job is a long narrative in the Old Testament. The Book of Job relates to the reader the lesson in why the innocent suffer and God’s place in this lesson. The story discusses God’s loyal believer Job, who was a good man. God believed in the fact that Job would not insult God or curse him. Even after losing all his possessions his children dying, and becoming ill, Job still was loyal to God.

In the end, Job is restored to success for his ardent faith in God and he is vindicated amongst his friends who believed that he was being punished for being evil. The story shows that God often has plans that go beyond the mortal vision and that patient faith will be rewarded. The story of Job also teaches us that God has not forsaken the suffering and that he cares, but that they must be patient. Job is a narrative but contains a strong point of wisdom dealing with faith and how faith must be blind.


Yes, the Book of Job, the ultimate tale of divine testing and perseverance. It’s like a biblical soap opera with a twist. Job, the OG loyal believer, gets hit with all the trials and tribulations, but stays true to the divine. It’s like a reality show where God and Satan are the producers, and poor Job is the unwitting star. In the end, Job gets vindicated, and God’s like, “I told you so!” It’s like a divine plot twist that teaches mortals about the bigger picture and the virtue of patience. The Book of Job: a rollercoaster of faith and perseverance!

The Book of Jonah

The book of Jonah is a book of prophecy wrapped inside of a narrative. In the story, God sends Jonah to Ninevah, the enemy of Israel. Jonah did not desire to go to Nineveh and tried to escape his duty. Jonah boarded a ship in order to escape God but God caused a terrible storm to occur. Jonah was thrown into the sea in order to escape God but God sent a whale to swallow Jonah. Realizing, he could not escape God, Jonah repented and God saved him. Upon returning to land, Jonah went to Nineveh and completed the mission God asked of him. Jonah was sad because God spared Nineveh which Jonah hated.

The lesson told in this tale is that no matter where we travel and to what extremes one takes to ignore God’s will he or she is still in God’s grace. The prophecy is that God’s Will, shall be fulfilled despite our failings as people. Within this prophecy is the idea that God also loves every person from every nation equally as he shows this by sparing Nineveh the enemy of Israel.


So, let’s put this book in plain terms so you will understand it: Jonah gets a divine travel assignment to Nineveh, the place he’d rather not visit, and decides to take a cruise in the opposite direction. Classic move, right? Then, a storm hits, and he gets thrown overboard and ends up in the belly of a whale. After some introspection in the whale’s cozy innards, he has a change of heart and decides to play by the divine rules. Then, he finally completes the mission, only to be salty about God sparing Nineveh. Talk about divine drama and a lesson in divine persistence, huh?

Just remember: God won’t give up, and you can’t escape!

The Book of Deuteronomy

The Book of Deuteronomy is a book of law. This book is comprised of the instructions that Moses related to God’s children before died. The letter in many ways is a memoir of events in the desert and of God’s law. However, the book concerns law since Moses describes how if the people would suffer if they disobeyed God’s Will.

The Book of Deuteronomy literally means “second law” in Greek and this show the focus of the subject matter. Although Moses is seen as a prophet, the book of Deuteronomy deals almost exclusively with expressing God’s law that his people should have strict allegiance with Him and no other Gods. The punishments for this violation of law are also outlined in the book.


The Book of Deuteronomy is like the ultimate divine rules combined with a cookbook, where Moses lays down the law for worship and diet before his grand exit. It’s a YouTube channel filled with memoir and legal drama, warning the Israelites about the consequences of disobedience, covering everything from idol worship to disobedient kids and unclean munchies. God is the ultimate influencer, imparting his divine code of conduct with with parental advice — because even ancient Israelites needed to know to eat their veggies and smack their kids!

The Book of Leviticus

The Book of Leviticus is fundamentally a book of laws. Its central theme underscores the holiness of God, necessitating adherence to numerous rules to uphold God’s sanctity and laws. The Book of Leviticus delineates a multitude of regulations for God’s followers, emphasizing the importance of honoring holy days and offering sacrifices to God for the atonement of sins.

Leviticus is not merely a legal guide for laypeople; it also serves as a canonical manual for priests. It details the responsibilities and expectations of priests extensively.

One of the most significant teachings and laws that Leviticus imparts is the concept of confession for sins. Leviticus instructs us that to attain forgiveness, one must confess their sins and invite God into their life. This crucial law is reiterated frequently in the New Testament, underscoring its importance.


Wow! Who doesn’t love following hundreds of rules and making animal sacrifices to please their God? I’m sure the priests loved slaughtering bulls and sprinkling blood on the altar, and the people must have been so happy to give up their best livestock and crops to atone for their sins. Don’t get me started on the holidays. Who wouldn’t want to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Day of Atonement, and the Festival of Booths? Nothing like eating flat bread, fasting, and living in tents to show your devotion to God.

Don’t think that is all because you also learn you must confess your sins and invite God into your life every time you mess up. Because God is so holy and you are so sinful, you can never be good enough for him. What a kind and caring god, which provides you his grace and mercy so he doesn’t have to exert his wrath and judgment. That’s why he sent his son Jesus to die for you and take away your sins; to make you to believe in Him and His commandments. Who wouldn’t follow a guy who allows his only son to be crucified. Makes perfect sense, and it’s so simple. Isn’t that good news?

The Book of Numbers

The Book of Numbers, a legal text in the Old Testament, also serves as a historical account detailing the journey of Moses leading his people through the desert. It narrates the frequent disobedience and irreverence of God’s children. Several instances of these transgressions are depicted in the book, including complaints about food God provided in the desert, refusal to enter the promised land, and even a desire to go back to Egypt. These actions collectively explain why God’s children were destined to wander the desert for forty years.

The Book of Numbers is considered a book of law as it illustrates the consequences of disobeying God’s Word, often leading to a state of being lost and experiencing worse outcomes. The primary legal concept emphasized is obedience to God’s Word and the importance of faith in His Will.


In some places, people would accuse someone telling that story of being insane, but coming from the bible, following a guy who talks to a burning bush and parts the sea with a stick makes perfect sense. Perhaps it is the kindness showed his people that makes them believe. I’m sure they had a blast wandering the desert for forty years. And the food God gave them must have been delicious. Who wouldn’t want to eat manna and quail every day? I know I would to enter the promised land flowing with milk and honey!

Seriously, Egypt was awful with the whole slavery and oppression business that God allowed to happen. Still, that’s no excuse not to obey God’s Word and have faith in His Will because God is so powerful and you are so weak. See how freewill works in your favor? You can never question him or doubt him because you need his guidance and protection to save you from enemies and hardships that he throws at you. That’s why he gave you his law and his prophets to avoid all the bad things he will make you suffer for your own good.

New Testament

The Book of Colossians

The Book of Colossians is a book of Law. At the time of the writing of the Epistles there was some form of heresy threatening the churches in Colossae. The description of this heresy stems from allusions within the epistle. The conclusion of most biblical scholars is that the false teachers referred to in the epistle were committing heresy by not giving Christ proper interpretation or emphasis. The belief was that these heretics were distorting and diminishing the doctrines of Christ.

The book of Colossians is part of the Epistles in which Paul reminds the Christians about the importance of Jesus. Paul warns the Christians about straying from the path of Christ. Paul believed and wrote in this book that Christians need to obey Christ, instead of tradition. Despite traditions seeming to wise, it is better to follow Christ so as to live a good Christian life.

The book of Colossians is Paul delivering the law of God to the Christians on how they should live. The book gives us standards on how we should interpret traditions and what needs to be prioritized as Christians. Ultimately, that love of God is achieved through living as Christ would.


The Bible wisdom shows in Colossians with Christ obviously and correctly claiming to be the Son of God and the only way to salvation. No one ever made that claim before or after him. I’m sure the Christians didn’t mind rejecting the wisdom and culture of their ancestors and calling everyone who did mind “heretics” because clearly Jesus was the Son of God because he said so and because he performed a few magic tricks, just like David Copperfield — but better.

Of course all this came from Paul’s letters because Christi was already dead and resurrected many years prior so there was no reason to doubt him since Christians never lie. You also need to keep in mind that you cannot challenge the Word of Christ because He is so superior and you are so inferior, and if you disagree with him, it is the same as arguing with God which will likely end you up in the belly of a whale.

The Book of John

The Book of John is a short letter but powerful letter of wisdom in the New Testament. John discusses teaches us that as Christians we need to love each other and that we must not abide by those who teach wrong ideas concerning Jesus. The author was John, who also wrote John’s Gospel, Revelation, and two other letters. John is arguing against what people of the time were interpreting about Jesus such as his divinity and his death and resurrection. John teaches us that Jesus is God, who became man in order to die for our sins. John relates this as being the true message of Christianity. The book of John is a book of wisdom because it teaches how and why interpretations are misleading and can take one from the true path of God. The Book of John is also a book of wisdom because it is a gospel and witness for all Christians since John was there at the death and resurrection of Christ.


The Book of John is a real page-turner! John really hits the nail on the head with his profound wisdom about loving each other and not listening to those who have “wrong ideas” about Jesus. I mean, who needs critical thinking when you have John to tell you what’s what, right? And let’s not forget that John wrote not one, not two, but three other letters, plus Revelation — so he must be telling the truth! We should all just blindly follow John and his interpretations, since he was there at the death and resurrection of Christ, right? Authenticity at its finest!

The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is a book of Prophecy concerning the future. As the last book in the New Testament, it leaves the reader with both dread and hope of salvation. Written by John, Revelation tells the story of what happens to the believers of Christ and to the nonbelievers. For the faith filled there is salvation in God’s Kingdom. But for nonbelievers the punishments are graphically outlined. The book is prophetic because it tells of the fall of the Devil and the return of Christ. The book also discusses the many bad times that are coming for the world and in this prophecy is where many find faith. Revelation provides us with the reason that Christ must be accepted in our hearts to avoid the impending destruction and punishment of the nonbelievers and evil. We know from this prophecy that ultimately evil will be defeated. The prophecy shows believers why God can and should be trusted. Depending upon whether one is a believer or a nonbeliever, determines whether the prophecy is hopeful or dreaded.


Ah! The final battle between good and evil! Imagining the horrors and wonders that await us all. What a fantastic end to world created for no other reason then to be destroyed by its creator. Who’s laughing now, nonbelievers! Who will be repenting believing in Jesus then when all those prophecies come true just all the other facts in the Bible.

Don’t worry, Christians, you will be okay because God is so just and you are so good for having used your freewill to escape his judgment and wrath. Yep, it will all make sense in the end.

The Book of Matthew

The Gospel of Matthew, also known as Matthew’s Gospel, serves as a testament to the veracity of God’s word for Christians. The narrative extensively explores how the prophets during Jesus’s era made predictions about Christ, all of which were fulfilled. The book delves deeply into the life and deeds of Jesus.

One of the most renowned sections in this book is ‘The Sermon on the Mount’, a discourse delivered by Jesus. This sermon provides profound insights into Christ’s wisdom and teachings.

Matthew recounts numerous miracles performed by Jesus, demonstrating his power to vanquish evil. The Gospel of Matthew offers a comprehensive understanding of Jesus’s life, his sacrificial death, and the redemption he offers for our sins. More than just a narrative of Jesus, Matthew presents a theme of joy, portraying Jesus’s life as a beacon of hope for its readers.


Time for the good news! In the Gospel of Matthew, also known as “Matthew’s Gospel,” Matthew tries to impress everyone with how Jesus is like the ultimate prophecy-fulfilling rockstar. He’s like, “Hey guys, check it out, the prophets totally predicted Jesus, and look, it all came true!” He goes on and on about Jesus’ greatest hits, like the Sermon on the Mount and his miraculous showdowns with evil. Of course, the book wouldn’t be complete without the dramatic finale of Jesus sacrificing himself for our sins. I mean, who doesn’t love a good tragedy, right? So, according to Matthew, Jesus is the ultimate hope-bringer, the original Mr. Sunshine. Can you feel the happiness radiating from the pages?

The Book of Romans

The Book of Romans is a book of law that takes the form of a letter from Paul to the Christians in Rome. Paul writes in this letter how individuals can be saved from punishment and how we should live as Christians. There are many key concepts that are pointed out by Paul. These ideas include:

· All people are sinners
· God has anger for evil
· God will save those who have faith in him
· We need God to save us
· Jesus died for our sins (for us)
· The Spirit of God can lead us in the right direction
· God always loves us.

The Book of Romans defines the law of God in our interactions with God on a daily basis. Knowing how to live is not enough, we need God to make our lives work correctly and right. This is the major theme of the Book of Romans, that salvation is attained through living by and through the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Book of Romans definitively shows that Jesus is the way to salvation for all people.


The Book of Romans, a riveting read indeed! Paul’s letter to the Romans is a literary masterpiece, offering such profound insights like “All people are sinners” and “God has anger for evil.” How groundbreaking! What profoundness and insight into the human condition. Let’s not forget the eternal wisdom that “Jesus died for our sins.” Who would have thought do commit their only child to such an act but God?

Paul’s unparalleled critical thinking skills are on full display, showing us the need for God to save us from God sentencing us to Hell with Satan (who he also created) to be tormented for all eternity! Truly original concepts, never thought by any person before or since. Kudos to Paul for his prolific and undoubtedly firsthand account of these events that could not possibly be a work of bad fiction.

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Dumb American Christians, YOU are Lying, Racist Hypocrites, OR you support them.

No matter the icepick-like words chosen, none penetrate your dumb Christian skull. Never has a group been more challenged by a lack of critical thought, evidenced by your continuous claims that “not all Christians are guilty” or “it’s the evangelicals” and “there’s billions of diverse thinking Christians in the world.” Over and over, I argued points that pertain to US Christians ONLY since Christians in other countries don’t directly impact the politics and culture in...

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Dumb Christian Philosophers argue, “If you judge Christianity by Christians, then judge Atheism by Atheists.

People who call themselves Christian philosophers recklessly use the word “philosopher” and may want to inquire about refunds for degrees granting such a title. Perhaps dumb Christian philosophers consider themselves real philosophers and believe their comments about judging atheism make sense the way Wernicke’s aphasia sufferers believe they communicate clearly. Dumb Christian philosophers sound so stupid! Judging atheism by atheists is completely nonsensical since atheism is an absence of belief in a supernatural being(s), not...

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Evangelical MAGAs on Trump’s Day of Judgement

Witnessing the conundrum of the true believer steadfast in their convictions, facing the immovable object of contradictory evidence likens to watching a superhero movie where the hero's only power is Excalibur of Denial, and their arch-nemesis is Reality-Man, armed with the Power of Evidence. They stand on the battlefield of beliefs, the true believer's shield of faith clashing against the sword of facts, sparks of cognitive dissonance flying in every direction. The true Christian believer,...

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Further Deliberations on In Vitro Christian Challenges

Further deliberations on In Vitro Christian challenges and the unfolding of life unrelated to eternity and prosperity, (see: da gospel and less efficacious text materials such as, the KKK Manual of internal Psychological Misfiring, Mein Kampf, & fortune cookies.) The common denominator of all faith belief is pure imbecility, or at least a willingness to accept magical thinking as better than reason or empirical evidence. In other words, massive imbecility.  THE Truth Is Hidden in the Anals of Hx...

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“God Hates Fags!” Says Christianity's Most Honest Church

Westboro Church If ever you wondered how angry, screaming evangelists; lunatic preachers; racist, right-wing pastors; and other hate-filled Christians amass large audiences, look no further than Westboro Baptist Church. Despite its smallness, the church gained media attention for offensive protests of dead soldiers and, most notably, for its mantra, "God hates fags!" Popular culture named Westboro “the most hated church in America,” and Christians clamored disapproval, yet, this despised group of Christians survived a long...

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Science Says God Is Not Just Dead, He Never Existed: But the Christian Intellectual Knows Better

It is not a coincidence that Christians over the age of five still sound like 5-year-olds when they talk about their misunderstanding and blind stupidity to changes in technology specifically and science in generally. Big daddy Goddy-o, boss to your little bitch essence, doesn’t like it when you munch on fruit of knowing shit, remember? Stay stupid, stay good, fuck a lotta science, it’s all Dr. Fauci’s fuckin’ fault. Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian anarchist philosopher,...

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Good Clean Christian Sex

Christianity and sex are so insanely melded together, from virgin births to "don't hit that ho in the head with a bunch of rocks!" Indeed, all the Abrahamic religions were invented to give civilization a way of handling the fact that horny big guys want to fuck scared little guys' women. The Big Daddy in the Clouds had to give the little guys some way to handle this crisis (this was before AR-15s were readily...

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Have a Happy New Year Without Christians!

If you’re going to make a New Year’s resolution, swear off Christianity or change your life by ridding yourself of their company. Getting Christians out of your life is much easier than you think, requiring only a basic knowledge of the Christian psyche. Ray Comfort converting an atheist with the intelligent design argument provides a powerful example. What does this narrative teach us about Christians? Well, besides being complete morons, Ray exposes the Christian obsession...

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Here’s the Real Christian Hero Sexually Harassing AOC

Amazingly, the Supreme Court, with its mostly hardline-Christian Justices, receives immediate protection from peaceful protestors reacting to the Roe v. Wade leak, but a Congresswoman cannot even enter the Capital without being sexually harassed. Clearly, this is an upstanding prolifer evidenced by his accusations of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wanting to kill babies mixed with catcalls of “my favorite big booty Latina.” Here is a video he posted of the incident. I was actually walking over to...

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How Christians & Jordan Peterson Wow With Bullshit!

“Asking for empirical evidence for God is like asking for geological evidence for math. It’s a nonsensical category error.” ~Christian (See comments.) Christian adeptness for bullshitting is profound and disturbing. I discussed how Christians hijacked philosophy in the past, but this point cannot be stressed enough due to their philosophical flimflam that fulfills their secondary purpose of convincing nonbelievers. Secondary, you say? What could be more important than converting nonbelievers? Maintaining the herd. The more literate Christians realize...

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How Christians Misuse Philosophy to Support Their Lies

The Harmful Effects of Misusing Philosophy in the Christian Religion Christianity has a long history of misusing philosophy to justify its teachings, leading to various negative consequences for society. In this article, we will explore five key examples of how the Christian religion's misuse of philosophy can harm society: 1. Climate Change Denial Some Christians argue that because God created the Earth, he will not allow it to be destroyed. This perspective can lead to...

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How The Supremacy of Scripture in Christianity Breeds Irrational and Dangerous Thinking

Central to Christian belief is the idea that God's word, as revealed in the Bible, holds absolute authority over all other forms of knowledge. This conviction, often referred to as the "supremacy of scripture," can have a profound impact on how believers view and interact with the world around them. While some may argue that this doctrine fosters a sense of morality and spiritual guidance, there is also evidence to suggest that it breeds irrational...

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I’m getting the Christian problem now.

I never really thought of myself as a Christian, and I never considered Christianity in general as a problem. At first, it seemed like you guys were just using Christians as a scapegoat, but now I’m questioning everything I’ve been taught. Every time I look at the news, there is some crazy shit Republicans are doing. Today, I saw Missouri passed a law making a dress code for women in government and couldn’t help but...

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Identifying & Dealing With The Christian Troll

What is a Christian Troll? You just wrote a masterpiece supported by reason and fact when suddenly, a two-sentence, critical-thought-lacking, irrelevant comment appears, dismissing the entire article. You laugh, “No one would take such a mindless rebuttal seriously.” To your shock, others praise the commenter for possessing sharp rhetoric and logic, as if you were the illiterate. If you’ve ever spent some time online, you’ve probably encountered an internet troll. An internet troll makes inflammatory,...

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Ignorant Christians Believe I’m Angry & Lying About Christianity

Ignorant Christians like leaving comments on articles accusing my criticism of Christianity as angry lies, but any fact check of the Christian Pollution’s articles readily shows this claim’s falseness. Clearly, ignorant Christians are literate enough to understand the article, so why post lies about Christian Pollution? Because they fear overturning their worldview and reality. Ignorant Christians entrench their lives in a belief system that tells them they are good people following their faith’s tenets, regardless...

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INCEL World & the Raptures of the Ruthlessly Unattractive

This INCEL movement is almost impossible not to laugh at, although it’s not funny in its most extreme manifestations. Nor is it amusing, I assume, to the women in the crosshairs of these madmen’s hate. I grew up in an era where, when I met a pretty woman and the situation and mood were right, we were almost as likely to fuck as we were to shake hands. Oh, yeah, I acknowledge it usually took a little...

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Unveiling the Truth: The Undisputed Pauline Letters & Their Stand Against Gnostic Fallacies

Table of Contents The Pauline Letters: A Brief Overview The Undisputed Pauline Letters: Their Origin & Importance The Deutero-Pauline Letters: A Closer Look When Were the Pauline Letters Written: A Timeline The Pauline Letters Summary: Main Themes & Messages Unveiling Gnosticism: An Ancient Heresy The Gnostic Paul: A Contradiction to the Undisputed Pauline Letters Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters: A Misinterpretation Paul's Attack on Gnosticism: An Examination The Undisputed Pauline Letters' Stand Against Gnostic...

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Is God an Anti-God That’s A Veritable Vegetable?

The Discovery of a New Type of Supernova Explains a Stellar Explosion From 1054 You know in your bones that more is going on than we can ever understand . . .and you know it’s not ALL good. The anti-vaxx’rs and other science-deniers are rejecting the powers of empirical evidence and inquiry for the wrong reasons. They’re happy to spurn silly theories like gravity, evolution, climate change, and the germ concept of illness, preferring to...

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January 6 riots have nothing to do with Christian Nationalism you fucking moron!

Answering the email of the concerned Christian, Fuck You, from “” Table of Contents Reexamining the Impact of Christian Nationalism on the January 6th Riots Understanding the January 6 Riots The Role of Christian Nationalism in the Riots The Case for Christian Nationalism Why Christian Nationalist are Falsely Blamed for the January 6th Insurrection The Truth About Christian Nationalism on the January 6 Riots Reexamining the Impact of Christian Nationalism on the January 6th Riots...

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Jesus Jibber Jabber

Responding to my article, How CNN Promoted the False Narrative of “Imposter Christianity,” a commenter provided a clear example of how Christians troll the internet looking to herd and maintain the flock using arguments solely aimed at discrediting or deflecting criticism. You will find these examples everywhere on the internet, reflecting the deep-rooted Christian persecution complex that impels followers to defend their beliefs to the point of sounding paranoid or nonsensical. These fear-driven comments also...

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Jesus & the Beatles were Woke - Christians Steer Clear!

Recently I saw a headline on an internet news site suggesting that some Christians were upset by some of the things Jesus Christ has been accused of saying. These good Christians believe that whole Sermon on the Mount thing, with all its libtard claptrap is a few steps too far from Trumpian values, ethics and practical solutions to the world's problems to still be applicable. The article suggested Jesus, although he is the son of...

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Judge Christianity by Christians

Yet another dumb Christian article left me shaking my head this morning in self-incrimination for still feeling surprised by the lack of critical thought Christian’s exhibit. Seeing someone hopelessly lost in mindlessness brings no comfort in being correct. Today’s article focused on why people shouldn’t judge Christianity by Christians. This assertion conveyed the asinine thinking of Christians to everyone except them, proving Christianity is a philosophic disease. Christianity isn’t some abstract notion scrawled in a...

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Lafayette Judge Michelle Odinet Proves Systemic Racism is Alive & Well

My children and I were the victims of an armed burglary at our home. The police were called and the assailant was arrested. The incident shook me to my core and my mental state was fragile. I was a wreck and am still unable to sleep. I was given a sedative at the time of the video. I have zero recollection of the video and the disturbing language used during it. The laughing and joking...

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Christian Letters: January - March 2023

When Vincent Triola and I met, we found ourselves kindred spirits in our iconoclastic and blasphemous attitudes and beliefs regarding many matters. Not the least of these was our disdain for the idiocy and ridiculousness of magical thinking manifesting itself throughout our culture: From “pull yerself up by your jockstraps” to “Jesus is my very best-est buddy” from “The Superbowl is the most significant event in all of western”… no, make that “HUMAN history” to...

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Malcolm X’s Insight into Christianity

The white man never has separated Christianity from white, nor has he separated the white man from Christianity. When you hear the white man bragging, “I’m a Christian,” he’s bragging about being a white man. ~Malcolm X. The insightful and prophetic Malcolm X understood the intrinsic tie of white supremacy with Christianity. Today, we face the outgrowth of Malcolm X’s insight, but rather than focusing on white Christians, the problem centers on distinguishing Christians from...

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Marjorie Taylor Greene is every bit a Christian as AOC

A comment on a recent article about AOC’s sexual harassment at the Capitol pointed out that AOC is a Christian. Christians believe religious critics don’t know liberal Christians exist, and the mere existence of the progressive somehow proves the conservative, fundamentalist, or evangelical Christian isn’t the “true” Christian. Critics know all too well the identity problem Christians foist on the rest of the US that pollutes politics by forcing a determination of which Christian will...

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Monogamy VS Polygamy: AI Goes CPAC

So, I asked an AI chat function to tell me a humorous story about the benefits and challenges of “monogamy versus polygamy.” On most subjects the AI reads like an essay by a community College teacher trying to impress his tenure committee, proper citations in appropriate footnote/endnote styles, links, informative, safe, reasonable and vanilla.  But for this assignment the AI pulled out the below: “Sure, I’ll try to write a humorous story about monogamy versus polygamy....

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Most Bullies are Christian Children

Bullying’s history is long, but awareness of the problem’s severity didn’t begin until the 1990s in the US when researchers began actively studying the issue. With increased research, bullying began clarifying as discrimination fueled by a power imbalance, allowing children with a stronger social position to harm those of lesser status using violence and ridicule. Despite increased awareness, bullying is still downplayed and often ignored by adults mainly because this abuse is a function of...

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North Dakota Public School District Superintendent Larry Volk says,

Why the media deemed Volk’s despise of critical race theory newsworthy escapes me. By this point, it should come as no surprise that education is as polluted with Christianity as any other institution in America. Situations like the one with Volk should question the hiring practices for teachers and education administrators since logic dictates you wouldn’t want zealots teaching and especially not managing schools. Yet Volk not only voiced his opinion but received approval from...

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“Osteen” is the Babylonian word for Satan.

I don’t know for sure, but it’s probably true that “Osteen” is the Babylonian word for Satan. It can’t possibly be good for the human species to continue indulging the Bronze Age fantasies, authoritarian constructs, and social engineering that shield the so-called “faithful” from social and personal accountability. ~ Comment by Paul Hildum Dear Reader,Thank you for identifying one of the primary links between some of the worst aspects of Christianity. Critics of Christianity and...

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Overturning Roe vs Wade & Mike Johnson Opening The Door to Theocracy

The meme above has been floating around, showing new Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is quoted as saying some pretty amazing shit. Mike Johnson and his wing of radical lunatic anti-choice misogynists certainly seem capable of such an outrageous view. And all pity to Laurie Kilmartin, Austin/Fort Collins whose able- bodied worker son apparently won’t leave her couch in the basement. I remember some years back, shortly after her failure to be elected Vice-President...

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Philosophical, Political Grossness:

Gone are the days when we can look out at our culture and say, "Okay, if we just fix this and that we'll all be all right and Jesus and his daddy-o will be pleased and we'll be swell for-fuckin'-EVER," or at least those days should be gone. How many more examples of faith belief and magical thinking transmogrifying into dog shit on the heels of our jogging shoes will it take? Dunno Donno, but...

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Psalm 24 Interpretations

Table of Contents Commentary & Analysis Psalm 24 The True Purpose The True Beauty of Psalm 24 The Wonders of Psalm 24 Questions to Consider When Writing a Bible Interpretation Bible interpretation is no easy task, requiring much effort, prayer, and meditation to write. To truly write effective Bible commentary once must go that quiet place inside and let Jesus enter the peace of spirit and mind. Psalm 24 highlights this need to connect with...

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Racist Christian asks, Who commits more crime?

The oblique question "Who commits more crime?" promotes racist inquiry. One wouldn't ask who commits more crime without defining "who" to avoid this issue. Investigating who commits more crime can be a scientific inquiry depending on the group in question, such as recidivism rate differences between juvenile and adult offenders. However, without focusing the question, the person could be asking about anything. Though meaningless, you'll see the question posted on racial injustice articles because racist...

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Sexy, Drunk Christians: Twelve Steps to Purity

Christianity violates the rational balancing of needs and morality, allowing believers to overcome dissonance by justifying contradictions, thereby creating discord. The contradictory thinking elicited from an improbable belief (Christianity) appears rational because what appears as wisdom, “do unto others,” is just practical insight found in most cultures in one form or another. This wisdom becomes susceptible to irrational application, having been filtered by Christianity, perfectly explaining the many glaring contradictions inherent in Christians, like believing...

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Christian Love & Hate’s Dichotomy

Faith and Jesus play out in the real-world imaginations of people who need this kind of horseshit to survive. Life is hard, or at least people who tell themselves this about Jesus eventually see that reality can be kind of a bear at times. From a range of silly Christian applications force-fed into one's brain because everything always, all the time is, after all, about you and yer buddy, Jesus, right? Christianity mixes love and...

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Spirit, Faith, & Love Against Bullshit

Miracles Happen mostly when we decide something unexpected and/or unusual is miraculous. Miracles are the simple-minded adults’ version of a child’s magical thinking. See What Happens When the Easter Bunny Stares up at Jesus Rising Into a Fuckin’ Cloud? Happy Easter, Motherfuckers! Revenge is a dish best served Irresponsibly One of the coolest pics ever: The wide, long, large swath of my disastrous personal approaches to both romantic relationships and bad luck with women named...

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That Whole Adam & Eve Thing is Bullshit

…pretty much my atheism just boils down to god pisses me off. Balancing acts & ampersand Disequilibration Some words just sound so cool that they deserve to be the title of a poem regardless of how much disequilibrating they cause. When I stand up too fast, I get dizzy but I don’t care. Because I’ve always got Jesus & prayer! Religion scholar explains how a specific strain of Christianity became a toxic political force And...

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The Arizona Small Town Survival Guide to Christian Infidelity

p>Small-town infidelity is a serious matter. Arizona’s small towns abundantly produce Godly Christian men needing to satisfy sexual urges and plenty of sinful housewives to satisfy those men. Although this appears to be a match made in Heaven, Christian men face many risks. To navigate the treacherous waters of small-town infidelity, Christian men should follow these life-saving, practical rules. Know the Legal Terrain The first rule of small-town infidelity is to know the legal terrain....

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The Atheist Miracle

COVID is doing for atheism what generations of rational inquiry and arguing could not: silencing the lunatic Christians. Here is a shortlist of some of those silenced by nature’s miracle. Televangelist Marcus Lamb Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby Pastor and talk show host Bob Enyart Radio Host Marc Bernier Radio talk show host Phil Valentine Radio talk show host Dick Farrel The list goes on and on reported by the hated site, Sorry Anti-Vaxxer, which...

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The Christian Deception: A Liar’s Worldview

So you think I am vicious calling Christians liars? You squirm at the harshness of my language, gasp at the bluntness of claiming Christians are pathologically dishonest, and demand more proof. Ask and you shall receive! I give you, not just the reasons they lie, but why you shouldcall them liars. Belief vs Lie Christians argue their religion is a choice of beliefbased on faith. Okay, fine, but what differentiates their belief from a lie?...

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The Christian Fraud

Note: Daily, I am challenged by Christians to explain the logic in condemning all of them, and despite having answered this question in numerous articles, I again present this position as concisely as possible, primarily to provide too-lazy-to-read Christians a landing page for future inquiries. Proper Philosophy Every belief begins in philosophy, the discernment of truth, even religion. At some point, even if indoctrinated, the adherent must reconcile their values with the real world to...

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The Christian Meets the Leprechaun

You keep saying Christians are delusional and crazy. This ad hominem attack proves nothing. Look around and you will see that there are millions of Christians. According to you, they are all nuts. Maybe you should talk to a psychologist. ~Christian Email Dear Christian, Once, a God-fearing man celebrated his birthday in a bar by drinking green beer on Saint Patty's Day. Holding his paper top hat and stumbling through the crowded room of patrons...

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The Complete Summary & Commentary of Bible Books

Old Testament The Book of Psalms The Book of Psalms is a book of biblical wisdom. There are 150 songs that comprise the Book of Psalms. It is believed that King David wrote many of the Psalms. The psalms cover a variety of different subjects but many of them are happy songs that show praise for God. There are other Psalms that are sad prayers such as Psalm 74 while other Psalms tell how God...

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The Dangers of Christianity: An Overview For Dumb Christians

Explaining the Obvious Christians wonder why I call them "stupid" and other choice words or just assume I'm angry with them. The obvious, dangerous nature of Christianity that goes ignored, provokes my name-calling because to not see these risks results from stupidity or willful ignorance. How could they not be stupid or deliberately ignorant when Christianity, practiced by billions across the globe, holds immense sway over societies and individuals alike. All faith-derived power holds a dark side of breeding...

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The Flaw of Stand-Your-Ground Laws & Systemic Racism

February 26, 2012, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman placed a 911 call, reporting a suspicious acting person, Treyvon Martin, who cut through yards on his way home. The 911 operators told Zimmerman not to approach Martin or to exit his vehicle, which he ignored then confronted Martin. The situation quickly escalated to violence and ended with Martin fatally shot in the chest. These facts as CNN reported in 2014 eventually led to a jury finding...

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The Ignorance of Christian Arrogance

Anyone harmed by Christianity is biased against Christians. Christian idiocy is so widespread I sometimes wonder if this lack of sense forms naturally or from practice? Their all-encompassing irrational, unoriginal thought indicates a naturally occurring stupidity, but practice also holds a strong possibility seen in Christians constantly repeating mindless claims such as, “Something bad must have happened to you to make you so angry at Christians.” Clearly, past sufferings must fuel the rage and therefore...

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The Ku Klux Klan: A Tale of Christian Terrorism

One of the most contentious points in American history is the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. Today, many people associate the Klan with a distant memory or a movement from a bygone era. There’s a tendency to diminish the impact of the Klan on American society, perhaps in an attempt to forget its influence. However, the Klan was a force of social and cultural change that profoundly impacted American culture and continues to exert influence...

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The Top Four Stupid Questions Christians Ask

The average Christian is so mind-numbingly out of touch with reality that their ability to function proves amazing. Made ignorant by the religion that tells them to turn a blind eye to criticism, they hinge on illiteracy as they repeat their zombie-like questioning and, worse yet, arrogantly believe they made a point. Herein, the answers to those questions list, and though the hopeless Christian will never read them, this article relieves me of the task of...

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The Top Ten Most Absurd Biblical Miracles

You Can't Make This Up - Or Maybe You Can Welcome, dear skeptics, to a journey through the annals of the absurd. Today, we're taking a look at some of the most bizarre events that are somehow accepted as divine intervention in Christian lore. Prepare yourselves for a rollercoaster ride of hilarity and disbelief as we count down the top ten most absurd biblical miracles. 1. Walking on Water (Matthew 14:22-33) Peter, one of Jesus'...

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The lies we tell ourselves about love and family.

Family myths and contradictions are a great source of entertainment and amusement for many people. They provide a sense of identity, belonging and history that can be cherished and passed on to future generations. They can also be used to justify all kinds of behaviors, decisions and attitudes that might otherwise be questioned or challenged. But what are the drawbacks of blindly accepting these stories without examining them critically? What are some of the biggest...

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This Christmas, Santa v. Jesus: Give Faith to the One Most Deserving

Every year, Christians remind us of their religion with their Jesus-talk concerning Christmas’ “true importance,” but Christian Pollution reveals the true savior — Santa! Christians claim Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ and his so-called miracles, yet Santa takes centerstage with his toy delivery achievement. Using nine tiny, magic reindeer pulling a flying sled, Santa delivers toys to all the children of the world and asks almost nothing in return! The evidence...

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Time to Get the Christian Horror, Clarence Thomas, off the Bench!

Though Clarence Thomas is not the only Supreme Court Justice guilty of lying, corruption, and conflicts of interests, Thomas forms a starting point to impeach the corrupt zealots running the Supreme Court. The current circulating petition reached over a million signatures and continues growing due to the outrage and fear of this Catholic justice who has urged the revisit of rulings concerning gay marriage, LGBTQ, and other rights previously granted by the court. Sign the...

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Topics of Interest On Psycho Christian Dating Sites

When you show up, bible in hand, teeth sparkling, deodorant hiding your incel flop-sweat and your rampant rash of anxiety hives you'll sit across quietly judging the gargantuan object of your future devotion and eternal love (marriage IS a sacrament, after all) you'll need a wide swath of subjects to debate over and concur upon in the name of da load—hopefully, our suggestions below will help you hone in and hit a bullseye — you...

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Trump, Hitler, & The Nazi Christian MAGA Anti-Woke Awakening

When one follows a leader who seems to have all the right answers it is shocking when that leader loses. The MAGA Christian cult has yet to see Donald Trump as the psychopathic malignant narcissist he so clearly is. However, we have an accurate precedent in relatively recent human conduct by comparing Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler and the effects such individuals have on their societies and the world. These comparisons are criticized and lambasted...

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Unicorns, Big-foot, & Proof of Yer White Supremacy

America’s toxic mythologies are destroying us. Not all myths are evil or create death, despair, and soul-crushing injustice in their wake — But some are exactly that. Your belief in Unicorns or Big-foot doesn’t matter to me — your belief in white supremacy and Christian nonsense, does. California MAGA rioter nabbed by feds after his own church prayer group turns him in. Ethel (silent but moving her lips): “I pray this motherfucker goes to prison...

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What is the Sermon on the Mount?: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Meaning & Impact

Table of Contents Introduction The Context of the Sermon on the Mount What is the Sermon on the Mount? An Overview of the Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes and Teachings Detailed Analysis of the Sermon on the Mount Verses The Significance of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount The Impact of the Sermon on the Mount on Christianity The Sermon on the Mount in the Bible: Where to Find It The Sermon on the Mount Summary...

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What’s Wrong With Atheism?

I happened upon Colby Hess’ article “How I Grew Utterly Disillusioned with the Atheist ‘Movement,’” which echoed many concerns I share about atheism’s practice of uselessly arguing with theists. Hess illustrates this problem, describing atheists’ attempts to attack faith as “spending your days tweeting out insults to theists,” likening these insults with assertions of, “The sky is blue.” “The Earth is round.” “Water is wet.” Hess finds no argument with me on this point or...

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When will Christians just shut the fuck up?

Christians accusing anyone of “bad taste” holds the seriousness of Ron Jeremy accusing Hollywood of selling sex. Yes, the Jesus Junker is in bad taste, having depicted evangelical Christians in a false, negative manner. Clearly, there is no truth to this satire whatsoever because conservative Christians never hoard guns, don’t celebrate Trump, and embrace evolution. Take, for instance, the above photo’s undeserving poke at Marjorie Taylor Greene, an upstanding Christian who represents the peace-loving, all-inclusive...

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Why Christians? Because they’re dangerous.

“You’re angry.” “You’re paranoid.” “You’re mean.” “You’re not helping.” The accusations aimed at Christian Pollution highlight Christian danger exhibited in their meaningless and untruthful claims. Christian Pollution doesn’t strive to make apostates but instead clarifies the ever-present Christian threat, hoping to help non-Christians navigate the treacherous religion. Answering Christian defenders’ comments with harshly written articles presents another opportunity to show Christian insanity, hostility, and danger, and if Christians don’t want unpleasant replies, they shouldn’t comment....

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Wild Christians ~ Caught in Print!

Ten months ago, Terry Trueman and I undertook the challenge to document Christians in the wilds of America. We braved the danger of Christian backlash and hatred to bring you the hard-hitting truth about the asinine people who believe themselves worthy of eternal salvation. With Christian Pollution born, we began observing and interacting with Christians. We named the one I am holding above "Little Christian Boebert” when we rescued her after breaking her tooth, racing...

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Wow! Christianity is normal.

You’re not railing against Christians. You’re railing against the human condition. All countries were founded on the morals of the predominant culture. The concept of separation of church and state by the “founding fathers” was really for the government to not endorse a particular flavor of Christianity-remember the King was Episcopalian. Many of the early settlers came to be able to practice their own versions of PROTESTANT Christianity. Catholicism was considered evil when the country...

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You asked for a miracle to stop the Christians; I give you the IRS!

We see preachers driving expensive cars, buying private jets, and building enormous homes. Witnessing the blatant flaunting of wealth, we wonder how churches, especially the megachurches littering the US, can possibly be considered nonprofits? We shake our heads in disgust, feeling helpless witnessing the corruption — sometimes right in our town or city. Those pastors laugh and laugh after obtaining their nonprofit status, submitting their fraudulent statements, and evading taxes. They laugh and laugh from...

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